Command (shortcut in parentheses) Description Examples and Options
config-get-identifiers (cget) Return the list of identifiers for a given component.


The name of the component to get the identifiers.


drush cgi content_type
Returns the list of all available content types to export

config-get-components (cgc) Return the list of configurations components that can be exported.


drush config-get-components

config-get-tracked (cgi) Return the list of configurations components that are tracked.


drush config-get-tracked

config-get-non-tracked (cgnt) Return the list of configurations components that are not tracked.


drush config-get-non-tracked

config-export (cexp) Export a configuration to the datastore.


drush config-export --all Export all tracked components.

drush cexp content_type.article Export the content type article and all its dependencies to the datastore

drush cexp content_type.article --exclude-dependencies --exclude-optionals Export the only the content type article to the datastore without include its dependencies and optional configurations.


--all Export all tracked components

--exclude-dependencies Export a configuration without export its dependencies.

--exclude-optionals Export a configuration without export its optional configurations.

--start-tracking Export a configuration and automatically start to tracking it.

config-start-tracking (csta) Start tracking configuration changes.


drush csta --all Start tracking changes in all configurations

drush csta content_type.article Start tracking changes in the content type article and in all its dependencies


--all Start tracking all components

--exclude-dependencies Export a configuration without export its dependencies.

--exclude-optionals Export a configuration without export its optional configurations.',

config-stop-tracking (csto) Stop tracking configuration changes.


drush csto --allStop tracking changes in all identifiers

drush csto content_type.article Stop tracking changes in the content type article and in all its dependencies


--all Stop tracking all components

--exclude-dependencies Export a configuration without export its dependencies.

--exclude-optionals Export a configuration without export its optional configurations.',

config-list (clist) Return the list of components and identifiers.


drush clist Return the list of components and identifiers',

config-sync (csyn) Synchronize configurations.


drush config-sync Enable all the required modules and the configurations defined in

drush config-sync --preserve-tracked Will keep tracking the previous configurations even if they are not listed in the

drush csyn --source=%site/myconfig Synchronize configurations from drupal/sites/

drush csyn --source=myconfig Synchronize configurations from drupal/myconfig/

drush csyn --source=/path/to/myconfig Synchronize configurations from /path/to/myconfig/


--source Import all the configurations from a given directory.

--preserve-tracked By default, all configurations that are not listed on the file are automatically untracked. Using this options avoid remove the already being tracked configurations.',


bestmvpatel’s picture

Hi following commands are not working ..

/public_html$ drush cgi content_type
The drush command 'cgi content_type' could not be found. Run `drush cache-clear drush` to clear the commandfile cache if you have installed new extensions. [error]
/public_html$ drush config-get-components
The drush command 'config-get-components' could not be found. Run `drush cache-clear drush` to clear the commandfile cache if you have installed new extensions.

lanetterm’s picture

This is D7 -- not sure at all what this is

darrell_ulm’s picture

Believe it is for this module , the D7 Configuration Management module.