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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Context Form Alteration

Alter forms via Context reaction.

A front-end, friendly alternative to writing form alters directly in custom module code, though you should use Features. Set various form values, attributes, and element access based on any Context condition available via core or contrib context plugins. This is useful for hidden field defaults, labels, or required status; but there are plenty of other reasons you might want contextual form alterations depending on the area of your site, user roles, etc. It's recommended that you save such things to Features so these configs are not being pulled from the database.

See the readme for some examples.

Just imagine these juicy tid bits...

  1. Change button text in the login block based on content type of the page.
  2. Preset a registration profile field (via formblock) based on an entity field value of the page.
  3. Within advanced search options, force specific content type based on site section.

Virtual Field Collection

The aim of this module is to greatly reduce the load to the site's database by using "virtualized" fields instead of "real" FAPI fields.

"Virtualized fields" will be written in serialized manner to the database thus only consuming one single field data table and hereby greatly reducing the number of joins, subqueries and/or subsequent queries. In order to do so, this module provides a javascript-driven interface at the entity edit form. On the frontend, a field formatter will make sure all values are made accessible like they would if they came out of the database "the usual way".

Actual development state:
The data structure administration interface now should be likely ready-to-use. It may be the case that some additional settings will find their way into the interface, but this will not affect the functionality itself.

The entity edit forms are now populated with a proper interface for the field structure defined. Form validation of the fields as well as re-populating the form with previously entered data is already achieved and working. The data is properly stored to and retrieved from the database now! Yay!

There are already some working field types: plain text fields, text areas, node-, user- and term-reference fields are all functional and working!

Cache Tools

This module is designed for high traffic sites that make heavy use of caching.


Drupaluser is aproject which can be used for dummy projects.It is under active development.

Client menu

This module allows you to configure a menu management, publishing for the client or the publisher.

Simple SSO

Simple SSO is specifically designed for Drupal sites that need a simple, intuitive and functional Single Sign On.

The Simple SSO module can securely log in users accross several Drupal sites, even hosted under different domains. It's a pure Drupal solution and does not require any external library.

date month widget

date month widget drupal

In this module you can select the time field and only select the month and year
Time is saved as the first of each month and the first of each day


This is my personal version of Devel, which utilises Devel functions in a slightly different way.

Extended taxonomy tokens

This module adds new taxonomies tokens to use in your nodes, paths or breadcrumbs, for example, like [parent-term] and [parent-child]


The nodeblox admin page, where you create the blocks.

Nodeblox lets you create blocks in a UI that someone else can admin: choose a node to display in that block. The block always stays the same, but the content might change.


A set of tools to integrate Drupal with Open Simulator servers.

Current features:

Send email multiple friends at the same time with Custom module

Step 1.) Create Module file like:

name = "yourmodule module"
description = "Send Emails for multiple friends module"
core = 7.x
files[] = yourmodule.module

Step 2) Create module file like: yourmodule.module

function yourmodule_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['sendemail'] = array(
'description' =>'Provide invite form',
'page callback' =>'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' =>array('yourmodule_form'),
'access callback' => TRUE

return $items;

function yourmodule_form($form,&$form_submit) {
$form['title'] = array(
//'#title' => 'email',
'#type' => 'textfield',
//'#name' =>'text1',
'#attributes' =>array('placeholder' => t('Enter Your E-mail address')),
$form['title1'] = array(
//'#title' => 'email1',
'#type' => 'textfield',
// '#name' =>'text2',
'#attributes' =>array('placeholder' => t('Enter Your E-mail address')),
$form['title2'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
// '#name' =>'text3',
'#attributes' =>array('placeholder' => t('Enter Your E-mail address')),
$form['title3'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
//'#name' =>'text4',
'#attributes' =>array('placeholder' => t('Enter Your E-mail address')),
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' =>'send invites',

return $form;

Fart Scroll

This will make your website pass gas when you scroll.
Just for novelty.


What it does

Propels Drupal 6 sites into the Future by suppressing PHP strict warnings created when running a Drupal 6 site on PHP 5.4.

If you've transferred a Drupal 6 site to a server running PHP 5.4 chances are pretty good that you'll see tons of PHP warnings flooding your watchdog logs and displaying on-screen messages about PHP strict warnings in contributed code. Some of these will eventually be fixed by maintainers but some inevitably will not. Sure you can fix your own code but what about all the others? What to do? You have a few options:

1.) Maybe you've switched your Drupal error reporting to be "log only". That's fine but expect your watchdog table to balloon in size very quickly and you're probably noticing a significant performance lag.

2.) Maybe you tried to turn off strict warnings via settings.php, php.ini or .htaccess. None of those will work because Drupal's drupal_error_handler function will override those settings unless you set the value to 0 (no error reporting at all) which is not a good thing either.

3.) You could hack core, kill a kitten and move on. It would work, but what about the kitten?!

Carousel Nanofaz

Il modulo Carousel Nanofaz è basato su Jquery e vi permette di controllare una lista di oggetti secondo una disposizione orizzontale o verticale.

jqplot Charts Library

This module provide library interface for jqPlot javascript library.

Private Innovation

One of the main reasons to use Drupal is to minimize how much custom code needs to be maintained for a website. Every unique problem can be decomposed into the same problems that everyone has.


Sandbox for updating OG Statistics to D7 and OG 7.x-2.x

Mobile AugmentedReality Communication

This module is primarily for use with the iOS Augmented Reality Framework PRAugmentedReality (see below)

It is also part of a soon-to-come distribution.


It provides a custom resource for Drupal Services and serves 3 purposes:

  1. Find relevant data for the calling device
  2. Filter the data leaving only a few specified fields
  3. Send back the data to the calling device in a mobile-friendly format

Relevant = containing geolocation data & updated since last check
Specified fields = Listed by name in module. Optionally provides you with a way to add your own fields.
Mobile-friendly format = No fancy array nesting and bloat data

PRAugmentedReality iOS framework

In summary, the PRAugmentedReality iOS framework allows developers to instantly turn their mobile projects into an interactive location aware app.
It provides:
- An Augmented reality view out-of-the-box
- Customizable AR Overlays
- Customizable Map Pins
- Simple and efficient Data Storage system
- Communication with this module for simple creation of content on a site


Configure user permissions in Administration > People > Permissions.

Variable debug

Screenshot of the administration report page


This is a development helper module that enables your developers to see:
