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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Organic Groups Vocab for Drupal 7

This is a sandbox for OG Vocab for Drupal 7 to be merged later into OG Vocab module.

AdSense Custom Search Ads

Example of AdSense Custom Search Ads.

Display AdSense search term sensitive ads, like those found on, on your Drupal search results.

Taxonomy Mapping

# Information
name = Taxonomy Mapping
description = Allow a taxonomy term as a placeholder term, reference to another term.

CSS Injector Fonts

This module expands the functionality of the CSS Injector module by adding the ability to upload font files for CSS use.

A Features package used at
(This is not a project intended for public use, just a repository for one of my projects.)

Clone Nodereference


Extending the Node Clone module (contributed on, this module allows the cloning of all referenced nodes found attached to the cloned piece of content.

EntityDemo with views

EntityDemo is an entity example for developer.
- entitydemo and entitydemo_ui are separed
- add fields and manage display

Views Access

A description will follow soon[tm].

Drupal 7 port of Affiliate Links

Affiliate Links is a module that handles the processing of outgoing links, to detect and if applicable convert into an affiliate link. Crawler

Crawls site for information on issues, users, etc...

Private Dynamic Stream Wrapper

Provides a file stream wrapper to store private files that can be altered when downloaded.
The file stream wrapper mimics the functionality of the Drupal Private file system with the addition of the capability to alter the file's content when it is downloaded.

Sponsored by Commerce Guys

Raw Mapping

Convert data loaded into a node by simple paste (or Feeds or data import) into better structured data.

A simple text field may be provided for a list of items to be dropped into
and this tool would be able to convert that list into individual fields
on the same entity.
The original data can optionally be discarded onve converted.

The UI will be for a simple textarea field (eg named people_raw)
to have an additional setting on the field settings page that refers
to the structured data field (eg a multiple textfield 'people')

A separator (eg newline or comma) is defined there.

Running the process (through VBO or similar) would shift the data between those fields.

Failed to find even a utility for copying data from one field to another on d.o.
May be possible with rules but that's heavy for this.


A textarea field on a content type will have extra options shown on the field configuration settings.
Which target field to transfer data into, and what separater to use to do it.

The target field should be something like a textfield with multiple values enabled.

Now you can paste a newline-separated list into a text field, then press the "raw mapping" button, and that raw data in the textarea will be placed into many reows in individual text fields.

Commerce Product Manager

This module is an attempt to simplify the management of product variations in the simillar way the UberCart does.

Shared Email Password Reset

This module will have users reset their password based on both email and user name, there are some cases where this module can help when using the


Support for Kewego/Kit Digital video hosting provider.

CiviCRM Prerequisite Check

This module allows you to configure multiple types of prerequisite requirements for events.
