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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

IntelligenceBank DAM Connector

IntelligenceBank logo

The IntelligenceBank DAM Connector for Drupal provides an easy way to access IntelligenceBank assets for importing,
or embedding directly from the Drupal core Media Library module.

There are two ways to insert assets from IntelligenceBank:

  • By creating a local copy of the asset into Drupal’s media storage
  • By embedding a public CDN link to the asset in IntelligenceBank

Automatic Image Moderation

The module uses the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services API to moderate images and prevent to show images with racist or adult content.

File downloader

File downloader is based on the file download module which creates a Field Formatter and exposes a single download link.

Media Entity Image EXIF

This module provides EXIF-metadata extraction and handling to be used with Media in core (> 8.4.0).

Lite YouTube Embed

This module provides an alternative field formatter for rendering YouTube videos with Paul Irish Lite YouTube Embed library<

File upload for developer

File upload screenshot

Upload files to the theme or module directory, Specially in uploading images referenced in css that instead of ftp uploading.

Kaltura Video Embed Field

Kaltura Video Embed Field

Kaltura Video Embed Field is a submodule of Video Embed Field for Kaltura Video support.

Microsoft Azure Storage

This project provides an easy integration with Microsoft Azure Storage services (blobs, tables, and queues).

Feeds User Picture Mapper

This is a very, very tiny module that simply adds User Picture as an available map for Feeds.module.

Gravatar integration for Avatar Kit

Gravatar integration for Avatar Kit 2.x.

This module works with Avatar Kit 2.x. 1.x is not supported.


Amazon Polly is a service that turns text into lifelike speech, allowing you to create applications that talk, and build entirely new categories of speech-enabled products.

Audio Embed Field

Audio Embed Field creates a simple field type that allows you to embed audio.

PhantomJS Capture Service

This module uses the Phantomjs Capture and exposes its functionality into a simple web service endpoint, it could potentially transform your Drupal instance into a web page capturing service.

Gated File

Gated File allows display a contact form before to download a file.

Files size

File fize configuration and display

Files size module provides the counts of the file size and show the icon of the file type.
