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Contributed module documentation

Layout Builder Restrictions



The default Layout Builder interface shows all blocks (including all entity-specific fields), and all layouts registered in the system. This poses a usability problem, as the list of blocks is quite long. Additionally, for many sites, the ability to curate which blocks and layouts are available on a given entity is an information architecture necessity.

This module's solution

This module, Layout Builder Restrictions, provides a configurable UI for controlling which blocks and layouts are available for placement. Sites can allow all options from a certain provider, or restrict all options by provider, or specify individual allowed blocks & layouts.

Quick Start

General overview of how to control block & layout availability

Restricting blocks to specific layouts & regions

Limit which blocks can be placed on each layout & region

Restrictions by role

Methods for restricting blocks/layouts by role


Clarifications of terms related to blocks and restrictions

Adding new restrictions via plugins (for developers)

Developer guide to creating plugins for Layout Builder Restrictions

Custom restrictions using hooks (for developers)

Developer guide to using Drupal core's Layout Builder hooks

Guide maintainers

mark_fullmer's picture
ricksta's picture
gravelpot's picture
lreynaga's picture