Configure the layout and format of content and data presented to site visitors.

Nice Menus


Nice Menus enables drop-down/right/left expandable menus. It uses only CSS for most browsers, with minimal Javascript for IE6. (Version 2 uses the Superfish jQuery plugin for all browsers, with an option to disable JS, and falls back to CSS-only for browsers that can handle it.)

Three styles/types of menus are currently possible: horizontal, menus drop down; vertical, menus fly to the left; vertical, menus fly to the right. There is a handbook page that provides a list of sites that use Nice menus.

Nice Menus creates blocks that may be associated with any existing site menu which can be placed wherever normal blocks can be placed in a theme. For themers, it is also possible to theme a menu as a Nice Menu directly by using the provided theme functions so a block is not necessary. A specific theme function for the Primary Links menu is available. The theme functions also allow a developer to pass in a custom menu tree of their making (i.e. not using a Drupal menu.) There is more information on how to use theme functions in the documentation.

Recent Blocks

This module creates 'recent content' blocks, similar to the ones provided by tracker module and comment module, but better ;)

Taxonomy Ticker

Provides a block displaying titles of nodes (related to a particular taxonomy term) in a scrolling news ticker.


The Category module is an alternative to, and a combination of, the Taxonomy and Book modules in Drupal core. The key feature of this module is that vocabularies and terms are nodes. In Drupal core, you use taxonomy terms (and vocabularies) to classify your content categorically, and you use book nodes to structure your content hierarchically. In the Category module, you do both of these things using category (and container) nodes. In this module, a container is the node-ified version of a vocabulary, and a category is the node-ified version of a term. A container also acts as a top-level book page, and a category acts as a child book page. You can apply category or container behavior to any node type on your site.


Paging Configuration


Break long pages into smaller ones automatically by words(or characters) limit, or by means of a customizable pagination tag:

First page here.
Second page here.
More pages here.

Drupal 7 version
Not all of the features introduced in the Drupal 6 version of paging are supported in Drupal 7. If you need a feature that is no longer supported, please search the issue queue, at right, for a similar request, and state your case. Features that are still needed may be added back in.

Upgrading from D6 to D7
We are currently working on an upgrade path from D6 to D7.

Sites using paging


  • Customizable page separator string.
  • Form or image button to insert page separator string in content.
  • Link "Read more" to second page when the teaser is larger than or equal to the first page.
  • Option of pager navigation style to choose. Possible values are theme_pager(), theme_paging_drop_down() or any custom theme function.


Ordering a subqueue

The Nodequeue module allows users to collect nodes in an arbitrarily ordered list. The order in the list can be used for a any purpose, such as:

  • A block listing teasers for the five top news stories on a site
  • A user’s favorite music albums
  • A group of favorite from which one is randomly displayed

Nodequeue provides a simple drag-and-drop interface to manually order any queue. Additionally, it allows nodes to be added and removed from queues without needing edit permissions to the node. Nodes can be added to queues either from a queue management tab or by links on the node teaser.

Drupal 8

The Entityqueue module is a rewrite of Nodequeue for Drupal 7 and Drupal 8, based on entities, and allows users to create queues of any entity type. If you need to migrate from Drupal 7 Nodequeue to Drupal 8 Entityqueue, you can use the Nodequeue migrate module.

Smartqueue API

Nodequeue provides a robust API that allows other modules to define smartqueues, which are associated with external data. For example, the included taxonomy smartqueue creates subqueues for a given queue for every term in the chosen vocabulary. Nodes are then only eligible for subqueues whose term matches the nodes terms. This makes it very easy to have queues for each category without cluttering the management page.


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