Access Policy

19 people starred this project

Access policy is an incredibly powerful module that allows you to use fields and other attributes to control access to entities.

Themed fast 404

5 people starred this project

How it works


47 people starred this project

Tagify module integrates Drupal autocomplete and Tagify component which pro

Search API AZ Glossary

36 people starred this project

Drupal 8 branch This is a complete rewrite of the old D7 module. It is shiny and packed full of new features.

Devel Entity Updates

76 people starred this project


Config Pages

177 people starred this project


Tiny Slider 2

11 people starred this project

This module integrates Tiny Slider 2, a Vanilla javascript slider

Layout Builder Boolean

9 people starred this project

Conditional Layouts

Cache review

35 people starred this project


Render Visualization

66 people starred this project

Render Visualization makes the cache properties of Drupal's render array output accessible by visualising them.

Migrate Conditions

12 people starred this project

Overview Add logic to your process pipeline with Migrate Conditions.

Editable Fields

33 people starred this project

This module allows fields to be edited on a node's display (e.g. at node/123), not just on the node edit pages (e.g. node/123/edit).

Entity reference back-fill formatter

14 people starred this project

About this module

Entity Reference Hierarchy

108 people starred this project


Pluggable entity view builder

14 people starred this project

Define entity view builders as plugins, defined per bundle.


5 people starred this project

Dead simple install profile that does nothing but remove the need to create your own custom profile in order to use the new convention av

Message Group Notify

6 people starred this project

Sends Messages on entity creation or update to groups.

Open Social

160 people starred this project

Community Engagement Platform

OpenID Connect Client

5 people starred this project

The OpenID Connect Client module provides authentication via the OpenID Connect (oAuth2) protocol. It supports multiple realms, so you can...

Config Terms

15 people starred this project

The Config Terms module adds a configuration entity clone of Taxonomy.

Config Ignore

88 people starred this project


File Upload Options

15 people starred this project

Specify what should happen when uploaded files and images have the same name as existing files.

Upgrade Status

171 people starred this project

Use to prepare for a Drupal 9 to 10 upgrade or Drupal 8 to 9 upgrade#

Migrate Files (extended)

27 people starred this project

Defines additional migrate plugins for importing files.

Views Reference Field

129 people starred this project

This field in conjunction with the Paragraphs module, makes for a

Field Formatter Class

74 people starred this project

🇺🇦 This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers. Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of...

Entity Pager

30 people starred this project

The Entity Pager allows you to create new Navigation blocks in a few seconds.

Paragraphs table

27 people starred this project

Project Paragraphs table it looks like module

Multi-value form element

76 people starred this project

Provides a multi-value form element that wraps any number of form elements.

CKEditor Better Collapse

2 people starred this project

This module adds a text format setting that adds a collapse button that does not collapse the first toolbar row, but all subsequent ones.

Form Tips

27 people starred this project

Form Tips module uses JavaScript to move form description/help text to tooltips.


27 people starred this project

This module provides a simple way to exclude certain pages from being cached.

Group Content Menu

24 people starred this project

About this Module Group module

Simple Block

32 people starred this project


Menu Link Config

25 people starred this project

Menu Link Config is a drop-in replacement for core's Custom Menu Links module.

Terms of Use

17 people starred this project

This module adds Terms of Use and a [x] I agree check box to the registration page.

Filterable Link

4 people starred this project

TL;DR Use Link Field Autocomplete Filter

Link Attributes widget

79 people starred this project

Overview Link attributes widget provides an additional widget for the link field found in Drupal core.

Disable Messages

40 people starred this project

Gives a site owner options to disable specific messages shown to end users.

Views Autocomplete Filters

56 people starred this project


Empty Page

21 people starred this project

The Empty Page module is a simple empty page solution.

Simple Mega Menu

26 people starred this project

Simple Mega Menu module provide a easy way to build mega menu.

Entity Extra Field

49 people starred this project


Inherit Link

6 people starred this project

Inherit Link allows you to extend link action to any other parent element.


147 people starred this project

Honeypot uses both the honeypot and timestamp methods of deterring spam bots from completing forms on your Drupal site (

Security Kit

164 people starred this project

SecKit provides Drupal with various security-hardening options.

Permissions by Term

139 people starred this project

Role Expire

39 people starred this project

Role Expire is a simple module that allows administrators to set and control expiry dates of user roles.

Menu Link Attributes

72 people starred this project

This module allows you to add attributes to your menu links or their wrapping <li> elements.

Datetime Min Max

5 people starred this project

Simple module that provides a new datetime widget that allows you to control the minimum and maximum attributes for datetime field types.
