Enhance the site so that visitors can directly interact with it or among each other, enabling things like user-generated content, comments, voting, chat, or forms for data collection and interaction.

Webform prepopulate block

With this module you can set a webform component to display in a separated block.


LikeThis adds a social buttons: Facebook like, Twitter tweet, and Google+ button to nodes, taxonomy term pages, and user pages.

Moodle Course Objects

This module exposes Moodle course objects as trackable Drupal Course (http://drupal.org/project/course) objects.

Quiz Dependency

This module is an addon to the Quiz module which adds the concept of dependency to quizzes.

Webform Repeat

Webform Repeat user button

This module extends the Webform module and enables users to load Webform fields with data from their most recent submission.


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