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Views Slideshow Xtra


Views Slideshow Xtra is an enhancement module for Views Slideshow, providing the ability to create overlays for a Views Slideshow. HTML elements are placed in <div> overlays, with overlay visibility controlled by toggling the CSS display property, so that overlays are displayed with their corresponding slide. Animation of the overlay displays is also supported.

In addition to overlay support, this module has some other useful features:

  • The Views Slideshow Xtra Example sub-module helps automate the creation of any Drupal 7 Views Slideshow. This sub-module creates a Slide content type, a default Slideshow View, and optionally, example Slide nodes.
  • There is a Slideshow setting for the number of milliseconds to pause slide transition after mouse movement. This allows the user time to click a slide overlay element if the mouse is in motion. This setting is essentially "Pause on hover" for a specified number of milliseconds.

Drupal 7

A new approach to Views Slideshow overlays has been implemented in 7.x-3.x, and represents a significant improvement. The new approach is to create overlays using Views Attachment Displays that have a Views Style Plugin called "Slideshow Overlay". This is the only approach that will be supported in Drupal 8.

Content Taxonomy Term List


This is a very simply module which allows you to define CCK fields for content types which display terms for each given node. Each field you add is "read only". This means there is no addition to the node add/edit form. It just grabs the terms associated with a node and allows you to output them either as inline or block elements (in each case either as plain text or as a hyperlink). If you use one of the inline formatting options, you get a nice "a, b, c and d" style list.

Deny Access

The Deny Access module (Drupal 7 only!) allows overriding access granted by other node access modules and/or core. It uses the node access system but not the {node_access} table, and so if you don't have any other node access module installed, then it does not carry the typical overhead. The downside is that it will not work to guard against showing lists of nodes, like lists created by the Views module or the front page. At this point it's a very simple module.

Deny Access provides the following global 'permissions' on the Permissions page, admin/people/permissions#module-deny_access:

  • DENY accessing any content
    Override content view access (to single nodes!) granted by other modules.
  • DENY creating any content
    Override content create access granted by other modules.
  • DENY editing any content
    Override content edit access granted by other modules.
  • DENY deleting any content
    Override content delete access granted by other modules.
  • DENY access per content type
    Generally override access (to single nodes only!) for a specific content type.

Variable Cleanup

Your variable table can get bloated under three circumstances:


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