
The reCAPTCHA module may not able to connect to Google servers. The submission of the captcha causes watchdog errors with cURL enabled.

Technical background:

Googles uses SSL certificates that are signed by a Root Certificate Authority (CA) that may not integrated in most if not all cURL installations. The Guzzle and cURL libraries are typically configured to verify the SSL certificates and refuse the connection if this verification fails. This may be reconfigured with CURL options, but this cannot recommended.

Drupal 6 or Drupal 7

If a contrib module replaced the drupal_http_request() function in Drupal 7.22 or later with it's own function like HTTPRL or cURL you may see http connection failures. It may be difficult to identify the peer certificate cannot be authenticated errors if the library does not log or show these errors.

Drupal 8

Drupal 8 version uses Guzzle Http Client internally, but under the hood it may use cURL or PHP internals. If you installed PHP cURL on your PHP server it typically uses cURL and you may see an exception with error Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates or error code CURLE_SSL_CACERT (60).


  1. Download latest cacert.pem from
  2. On global PHP level add curl.cainfo = [enter your path]\cacert.pem to your php.ini.
  3. Restart Apache service.


ykarthikvarma’s picture

Still facing the same issue even after following the procedure mentioned

-> Download latest cacert.pem (As txt file) from
-> Add curl.cainfo = [enter your path]\cacert.pem to your php.ini
-> Restart Apache service

I am using Drupal 8.1.0 on XAMP but the below error keeps on coming

GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate (see in GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory::createRejection() (line 187 of D:\xampp\htdocs\services_display\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Handler\CurlFactory.php).

Note: Posted this issue on as well

cmurillo’s picture

Thanks for your help, greetings.

cilefen’s picture

reCAPTCHA is not the only Drupal code that can exhibit this problem.

DocDJ-forum’s picture

This problem also exists with downloading updates (manual and automatic) in Drupal 8.1.2, wherein Drupal only tries to download tar.gz files, on my Windows systems.

UPDATE (7/20/17): The cacert.pem solution appears to have fixed my problem in both Drupal 7.51 and 8.3.


vickey’s picture

I have made below changes to resolve this issue in the local xampp(Drupal 8.3.1) when execute Guzzle GET request in the custom module.

1. On global PHP level add openssl.cafile= [enter your path]\cacert.pem to your php.ini.
2. Restart Apache service.

Please try this if needed.

selinav’s picture

Same problem for me. It doesn't works with

On global PHP level add curl.cainfo= [enter your path]\cacert.pem to your php.ini..
On global PHP level add openssl.cafile= [enter your path]\cacert.pem to your php.ini.
Restart Apache service.

    Failed to fetch file due to error "cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain (see"
    Downloading updates failed:
        Failed to download devel from

Any idea ?

thitoo’s picture

I had got same issue on WAMP Server 3.0.8, PHP Version 5.6.25, Apache 2.4.23 and this solution got fixed for my Drupal 8 Website.

devad’s picture

This solution fixed my Drupal 8 site as well.

Drupal developer. Available for new projects

Nikolino’s picture

If you don't have permission to edit the php.ini file, can I do it in other way? es. via setting.php?
Thank you

selinav’s picture

Finally, it waq the firewall of my company that block it!

ravi_admec’s picture

you need just 3 steps!
1. download the cacert.pem file from the given url
2. define in php.ini as said
3. restart wamp

and u r ready to go.

vineetkumar03’s picture

download via
save under E:\xampp\apache\bin\cacert.pem
open php.ini
add following lines:
Restart Apache

edvanleeuwen’s picture

There is an instruction from RH to update the CA:

Best regards,
