The reCAPTCHA module uses the reCAPTCHA web service to improve the CAPTCHA system and protect email addresses. For more information on what reCAPTCHA is, please visit the official website.


  1. Extract the reCAPTCHA module to your local favorite modules directory ([drupal_root]/sites/all/modules)


  1. Enable both the reCAPTCHA and CAPTCHA modules in admin/build/modules.
  2. You'll now find a reCAPTCHA tab in the CAPTCHA administration page available at
  3. Register for a public and private reCAPTCHA key
  4. Input the keys into the reCAPTCHA settings. The rest of the settings should be fine as their defaults
  5. Visit the Captcha administration page (admin/user/captcha) and set where you want the reCAPTCHA form to be presented



Sepero’s picture

The "reCAPTCHA Video Tutorial" link appears to have been abandoned/deleted.

mreilly’s picture

It looks like Recaptcha links have changed. Here are updates:
main reCaptcha page:
get a key:

cyberzeus’s picture

The video link appears to also be dead.

damontgomery’s picture


There is a tab to edit reCaptcha settings as well (/admin/config/people/captcha/recaptcha).

Leagnus’s picture

I can choose 2 images all the way – there is no third acceptable among 9.
I use 7.x-2.0.

cyberzeus’s picture

Are there any special considerations or DB steps that need to be performed when downgrading from v2.x to v1.x? I know there were DB updates when upgrading to v2.x so I suspect there may be similar updates required when downgrading.

David Bell’s picture

I enabled this module a few months ago, and it was working perfectly, no issues. However, a client called me today and told me that she was not able to use the site contact form so I checked into it and I am not even able to get past the recaptcha screen to login. On my login screen, I enter my credential, check the "I'm not a robot", which gives me the green checkmark but when I hit login button, I get "The answer you entered for the CAPTCHA was not correct." so I am not able to get to the admin pages. I am able to get to my website through FTP. If I just delete the module, will it break my site? Is there any other way to disable the module.

zuhair_ak’s picture

You can disable the recaptcha from the captcha configuration. To get more info about error, you can check Reports->Recent Log Messages

yktdan’s picture

I copied from an old domain to a new one and then can't logon because the keys depend on the domain. This causes an error and no way to enter a captcha so it complains, bad response. Had to delete recaptcha module to recover. Best way is probably turn off recaptcha before copying the database, then enable and reset the keys on the new domain. Stay logged on during this or you are back to deleting the module to recover.

Walt Daniels