This project is under active development.

jQuery UI formatters

jqueryui formatters settings


The jQuery UI formatters module provides a suite of new "display formatters" to apply to your fields.
Three new formatters are provided (Dialog, Accordion and Tabs) to 'text', 'text_long' and 'text_with_summary' field types.
Although Accordion and tabs are available for single value fields, They usually become more interesting for multiple value fields.


Drupal 7.x


* Install as usual.
for further information


* Configure the way you want to show your fields in
admin/structure/types/manage/your-content-type/display if there is any field of type 'text', 'text_long' and 'text_with_summary' you will be able to choose three new options in the formatter section (Dialog, Accordion or Tabs)

* When you choose one of the new formatters you will be able to manage some settings for display custmization


Current maintainers:
* Alberto García Lamela (Enxebre) -
Twitter: @albertogarla

S3 File System

S3 File System (s3fs) provides an additional file system to your drupal site, which stores files in Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) or any other S3-compatible storage service. You can set your site to use S3 File System as the default, or use it only for individual fields. This functionality is designed for sites which are load-balanced across multiple servers, as the mechanism used by Drupal's default file systems is not viable under such a configuration.

Workbench State Access

This module works with workbench module
It will give you the ability to set the access for viewing/editing revisions based on the revision current state

Workbench Assignee

This module works with workbench module
It will give you the ability to assign the new state change to a specific user,



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