Extend the structure of the site by way of content models, data storage, field types, and navigation, so it is more understandable to users.

Codice Fiscale

This module provides a field type for the Italian tax code - Codice Fiscale.

Jump Menu Style Plugin

This is a Views style plugin for the Jump Menu that hasn't been included in Drupal 8.

Places API Webform Autocomplete

Places API Webform Autocomplete provides a webform component that uses Google's
Places API to allow the user to search for addresses - the user can select from

Geolocation Queue

The is an add on module for geolocation module that handles the geolocation of address fields in a queue.

Weekly Time Field

A simple Drupal 8 field for describing recurring events on a weekly basis.

Theme view mode

Switch view mode depending of current theme. For example, for mobile site version automatically selected "Full mobile" view mode, for usial site version - "Full" view mode.


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