Extend the structure of the site by way of content models, data storage, field types, and navigation, so it is more understandable to users.

Date Restrictions MinMax Weekdays

Date Restrctions Min/Max Weekdays is a lightweight plugin for date restrictions. This adds restriction type for min/max on date restrictions.

Google NoCaptcha

NoCaptcha integration for Custom Form/Webform/Webform + FormBuilder.

Hierarchical Taxonomy Menu

Hierarchical taxonomy menu

Hierarchical Taxonomy Menu is a module that will help you create menus from taxonomy terms.

GoogleMap Block

This module is used to create a Google Map Block. It will provide configuration form to enter location name and address.



File upload

General information

The Drop2S3 module provides a custom file field that renders a drop area that
upload files directly to AWS S3 bucket using the Evaporate JS.


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