Maintainers strive to actively monitor issues and respond in a timely manner.

Contact Info

Filling in the contact information on the settings form produces an hCard block.

Need an easy way to show your address and telephone number in your site footer? This module is for you.


This is a utility module useful as a realm constructor to create reusable realms and saved in data base

Commerce Donate

Commerce Donate checkout pane

This module provides donation functionality for Drupal Commerce, with some variations in functionality between 7.x and 8.x versions.

Git helper hooks

A collection of useful git hooks during Drupal development.

Seemingly similar project: DCQ.

Signed Nodes

This module is useful to attach a text based agreement as a form to nodes that require an agreement to be signed by each user. Examples of agreements include Content Acceptance Agreements, Non-Disclosure Agreements, End-User License Agreements, etc.

Agreements can be attached to Nodes of any type, and each node can have its own specific agreement for a specific year e.g. Node can have two different agreements for two different years, once the current year exceeds the agreement year that agreement will be replaced with the agreement of next year.

All data related to user signing an agreement are stored per agreement and these reports can be viewed for a certain no. of years (this feature will be implemented in next release). The reports are of two types listing users who have signed the agreement and users who have pending signature.

Further a dialog functionality from JQuery has been implemented to send popup to all users if the signing of agreement is pending. To achieve this a small piece of code has to be added at the end of page.tpl.php file of your theme (we are considering it to move this code to module level in next release)

if (module_exists('signed_nodes') && $user->uid >0) {
global $user;
$snode = array();
$popup = FALSE;

Addressfield Autopopulate

Simple module that auto populates the address field with the logged in users address


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