Same Page Preview

47 people starred this project

Create, edit and preview content on the same page.


21 people starred this project

Integrates your Drupal site with CrowdSec to keep suspicious users and cybercrimina

CSS Grid Layout

8 people starred this project

This module leverages CSS Grid grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows properties to create dynamic layouts within the Layout Builde

Test Helpers

19 people starred this project

The module provides API to significantly simplify writing Drupal unit tests! Using the API reduces the amount of code in your unit tests...

Storage Entities

94 people starred this project

A new entity type for managing data that should be stored in the database, but only displayed within or associated with other content.


30 people starred this project


1 people starred this project



34 people starred this project

A bridge between frameworks, Drupal in the back, Nuxt.js in the front.  


105 people starred this project

Drupal advanced integration with the

Augmentor AI

41 people starred this project

Augmentor is an AI framework for Drupal which allows for the easy integration of disparate AI systems into Drupal.

Data Visualisation Framework

25 people starred this project

Layout Builder +

47 people starred this project

Layout Bu

Bundle Class Attributes

11 people starred this project

Allows bundle classes to be configured using attributes.


35 people starred this project

Fluent is a Drupal module that significantly improves the developer's experience by simplifying access to fieldable enti

ECA: Event - Condition - Action

185 people starred this project

ECA is the no-code solution that empowers you to orchestrate your Drupal site.


38 people starred this project

Drupal 8

Entity Browser

160 people starred this project

Goal of this module is to provide a generic entity browser/picker/selector.

Notifications widget

46 people starred this project

Notification widget allows you to configure the site notification on bell with feature of : - Read - Unread

Site Manager

4 people starred this project

Site Manager provides a user interface for monitoring and managing Drupal sites.

Site Audit

73 people starred this project

Site Audit is a Drupal static site analysis platform that generates reports with actionable best practice recommendations.

Site Module

11 people starred this project

The Site.module allows you to track, store, and send information about your websites.


1 people starred this project

This project is a placeholder for a future installation profile called "ox".

Operations: Drupal for Ops

12 people starred this project

Drupal Operations

Easy Email

53 people starred this project

Easy Email is an HTML email templating system for Drupal, designed to be as simple as possible to configure, with a robust set of feature

Configuration development

52 people starred this project

This module helps with developing configuration. Do not deploy in production environments.


19 people starred this project

HTMX javascript library htmx/htmx in Drupal.

CKEditor5 Embedded Content

34 people starred this project

This module allows content editors to insert rich and styled pieces of content into CKEditor5 without having to give them HTML ed...


30 people starred this project


34 people starred this project

Integrates the philosophy of IndieWeb in your Drupal website. For more information, see


38 people starred this project

Read the blog post: A modern alternat

Content Moderation Notifications

58 people starred this project

Allows notifications to be sent to all users of a particular role, or to the content's author when a piece of content is transitioned fro

Action Link

15 people starred this project

The Action Links module allows site admins to create links which perform an action when clicked.

Field Prefix

7 people starred this project

Customize the field prefix or remove the default prefix field_

Symfony debug

11 people starred this project

This module replaces the default Drupal exception handler by a handler provided by the


16 people starred this project

This module is going to let the website admin customize the 500 error on site.


51 people starred this project

What is the Viewer module?


90 people starred this project

Summary PHP Authentication shield. It creates a simple shield for the site with Apache authentication. It hides the sites, if the user does...

AWS Secrets Manager

5 people starred this project

AWS Secrets Manager

Static Suite

32 people starred this project

A suite of modules to decouple Drupal and turn it into a static site, built by a Static Site Generator like Gatsby or Next.js. It exports...

Content as Configuration

21 people starred this project

There are several entities which Drupal considers to be content which are, in the main, site-structure configuration.

Cache clear shortcut

5 people starred this project

Drupal 8 needs forces to clear cache every time a theme file or some code changes.

Workflows Field

26 people starred this project

This module provides a field which allows you to store states on any content entity and ensure the states change according to transitions

Environments synchronization

4 people starred this project

Give you the possibility to synchronize configurations from and to different environments.


94 people starred this project

The JSON:API module in code provides zero configuration out of the box. Use JSON:API Extras to customize your API.

Field Group Ajaxified Multipage

13 people starred this project

By using Field Group it's possible to easily turn an entity form into a multipage form, however

Token Content Access

16 people starred this project


Webform Navigation

10 people starred this project

The goal of this module is to provide the ability to navigate forward and backward through a web form using the Webform Progress tracker

Configuration Synchronizer

44 people starred this project

Configuration Synchronizer provides methods for safely importing site configuration from updated modules, themes, or distributions.

Config Distro

33 people starred this project

Built on the same architecture as Configuration Split, Config Distro provides a framework for managing configuration updates from distrib

HTTP Client Manager

66 people starred this project

Http Client Manager introduces a new Guzzle based plugin which allows you to manage HTTP clients using Guzzle Service De
