Site Manager provides a user interface for monitoring and managing Drupal sites.

It is powered by the Site Module, which is provides a content entity called "Site" that can be managed just like any other content.

Site Manager includes a REST API so other sites can send and receive information.

Site Manager allows control of remote sites via Config, field, and State overrides. Remote sites can configure what overrides are allowed.

Try Site Module

The easiest way to try Site Manager module right now is Lando. The Operations project contains the codebase.

Clone this repository, then lando start, then install:

git clone
cd operations 
lando start
lando composer install
lando composer operations:sites:install

This will give you 4 sites:

It should print out user login links. If not you can access the sites with drush:

drush @operations uli
drush @mercury uli
drush @venus uli
drush @mars uli

Please report any issues you find to the issue queue!

Drupal Operations Experience Platform

This project is a part of the Drupal Operations Project, the Ops Dashboard built in Drupal.

For all issues, development, and more information, see

How to use

Install site.module with composer & drush:

    composer require drupal/site_manager
    drush en site_manager
Supporting organizations: 

Project information
