Empower developers with tools that assist with developing and debugging the frontend or backend of the site.

S3 File System Grant Plus

s3fs grant plus

In certain scenarios, such as microservice applications, front-end users may only require read access to files (such as images, videos, audio, etc.), while file creation is managed by a separate en

Batch Plugin

Batch API in Drupal is a very necessary API for processing large amounts of data. Queues are another way of processing large amounts of data, and also drush can use batches too.


The Consume module provides the ability to define and manage consumer instances, which "consume" data sources and feeds. Data sources can be file, web endpoints or other providers of data.

Mail Message Templates

Provides email message templates as configuration entities.

API Wrapper

The api_wrapper module defines two attributes, #[ApiWrap] and #[Endpoint], which, when applied to an existing service, allow for the automatic definition of dynamic routes based on the parameters assigned to the two attributes.


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