Configure the layout and format of content and data presented to site visitors.

Keyword links

This module enables you to join nodes using keyword. Nodes are linked using link list in body that is generated according correspondent keywords of other nodes in order of relevance.


Inline module allows users to display uploaded files and images inline, i.e. place links to files into a content using a simple [inline:filename.jpg] tag. The effect is a link to the file or the display of an image, depending on the file type.

Inline allows users to place an uploaded image or a file attachment anywhere in the content. During creation of a content, a user can simply enter the number or filename of the attachment that should be displayed inline. After submitting the content, the number is automatically converted to the corresponding filename.

Mass URL

This module is no longer under active development and hasn't been updated beyond 4.5-era Drupal.

Printer, email and PDF versions

print icons

This module allows you to generate the following printer-friendly versions of any node:

  • Printer-friendly version (webpage format) (at
  • PDF version (at
  • EPUB version (at
  • Send by email (at

where nid is the node id of content to render.

Term statistics

Based on the core statistics module, which tracks general page views and node views, term_statistics keeps track of views of categories (terms) and includes a page and block for top-viewed categori


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