Configure the layout and format of content and data presented to site visitors.



Linenumbers is a simple text filter which adds line numbering to content.

Youtube uploader

end of Youtube API V2 !!

7.x-2.x uses Google / Youtube API V3 and Google api php client library that requires composer to install.
7.x-1.x still uses API V2 and depends on the Zend Framework. check the readme file if you still want to use it...


This module provides a field to upload videos directly to Youtube and a fomatter to display them. It uses the Zend Framework to interface the Youtube API and implements the "browser upload method" so the video file never hits the Drupal file system. It saves storage and bandwidth and your users don't need a Youtube Account.
By this way you can use Youtube as a fully integrated solution to store and process the videos of your website!


  • Youtube uploader field (acts as a file field, with "display" option)
  • Video formatter to display videos at predefined or custom size
  • Thumbnail formatter to display image preview of the video using an image style
  • Specific permission to allow users to edit video directly on youtube
  • link to refresh data (title and thumb) from Youtube
  • configure privacy, video delete on Youtube, description, category and tags on a site wide or field level

This module has been tested to work with Views and Panels module.


More info on the README file.


Geo Block

Setting page

Creating blocks, the information to be displayed based on the current location of the user.


HTML Presentation Made Easy

The Slides module allows the easy creation of slides to create HTML presentations for display using reveal.js

Taxonomy Letter Search

This module shows taxonomy blocks with group of letter as a filter, to show the list of terms that start with that group of letters.


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