Exporting D6 content to D7 website

Now that D6 is no longer supported, it was a must to move D6 sites I maintain to D7. This guide is the recipe to moving simple content with non-complicated CCK fields from D6 site to a D7 site.

Prepare your new site

Create all required content types on the new D7 site. Add all required fields to content types.


The Trovequery module integrates Drupal views with the National Library of Australia's Trove API service as a datasource.

For more information on Trove, visit http://trove.nla.gov.au

Geolocation field

This patch for Geolocation field module provides a destination handler which exposes geolocation fields for mapping.

Geolocation field requires both latitude and longitude values, so it doesn't make sense to use the primary value, i.e. map to field itself.
In order to use it, please map values to the subfields (mapping to the field won't work)

Reinstalling Casper

Currently themes in Drupal 8 does not support hook_uninstall, for this reason if you are trying to reinstall Casper you will run into this issue https://www.drupal.org/node/2660764. Where you cannot install the theme again because of that error.

Contributing Configuration

Introduction to chain-config.yml

This file is mainly for people that are trying to contribute to the Casper theme. This is an easy was to export the configuration that Casper carries by default. If you have made any new changes to the configuration, using DrupalConsole you can re-export all the configuration again without need of any extra steps.

How to run chain config ?

From the root directory of you Drupal website you can run something similar too.


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