How to identify NetX Platform version

In this doc you can find information how you can identify NetX Platform version which is required for new upgrade where authentication type has been changed.

Sauce Labs

Sauce LabsThanks to for sponsoring testing and quality assurance tools for ERPAL

Realname: Remove 15 characters username trim

In case your user has long realname (15+ characters), such username will be trimmed to 15 characters and "..." added by default. If you wish to have displayed full name instead the trim version then place this code (D7) into your template.php:

 * Overrides template_process_username().
function THEMENAME_preprocess_username(&$variables) {
  $account = $variables['name_raw'];
  $variables['name'] = check_plain($account);

Implementing Card on File for a payment gateway module

Drupal Commerce payment gateway modules can support card on file by implementing various callbacks in the payment method definition.

The supported call backs are

    'create callback',
    'create form callback',
    'update callback',
    'update form callback',
    'delete callback',
    'charge callback',


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