Script to add files in S3 bucket folder and add files on new location using S3 api or s3fs module.

Script to add files in S3 bucket folder and add files on new location
try {
$config = _s3fs_get_config();
$s3 = _s3fs_get_amazons3_client($config);
catch (S3fsException $e) {
form_set_error('form', $e->getMessage());
return FALSE;

Recovering the administrator password from UI

There are many methods to recover admin password described here but this method gives you a admin panel to recover admin username and password.

This gives easy access and UI to generate admin password. This will let you know what is the current admin username in system.

Recovering the administrator password from UI

Version 4.x - Exported view ready to import

Attached a compressed file with 4 files:

1. as-version-3.txt
This is just a fix for the version 3 script given here: View: Watchdog entries

2. simple.txt
This is my view with only one page display but with many exposed filters. Recommended if you do not use the module "Better exposed filters".
The page display of the view overrides the path "admin/reports/dblog".

Drupal 8 Release

Viewfield 8.x-3.x

The Viewfield module defines an entity reference field type to display a view. Viewfield enables an administrator or content author to integrate a views display into any fieldable entity, such as content, users or paragraphs. In addition, through the use of the Always use default value setting, the same view(s) may automatically be placed into all entities in a bundle. Viewfield has considerable theming support, making it easy to customize presentation.

BS Base

@TODO - this will be a documentation for bs_base base theme.

In the meantime check theme for current up to date theme documentation.


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