Simple Add More

34 people starred this project

This module simplifies the multi-value widgets when they have fixed cardinality (max number of values allowed).

Documentation Generator

10 people starred this project

The documentation generator module will help you to generate a user guide for your website. It has the following features:

Exclude Node Title

41 people starred this project

This module handles a very simple functionality, decide whatever to exclude a node title from full node page or node teasers.

Migrate Process Inline Images Plugin

12 people starred this project

The Migrate Process Inline Images module provides a migrate process plugin that

Media Migration

31 people starred this project

☝️ Media Migration is still is in alpha stability!

Migrate Process Extra

13 people starred this project

Provides a collection of Migrate plugins that are not part of the

Environment Indicator

96 people starred this project

This module will help you to keep sane while working on your different environments by adding a configurable color bar to each one of your...

Twig Tweak

243 people starred this project

Twig Tweak is a small module which provides a Twig extension with some useful functions and filters that can improve development experien

Asset Injector

88 people starred this project

This combines the two modules, JS Injector and


150 people starred this project

This module provides an implementation of Google Chrome Lab's

Config Enforce

23 people starred this project

Config Enforce ensures that specified configuration cannot be changed in production environments.

Reroute Email

54 people starred this project

This module intercepts all outgoing emails from a Drupal site and reroutes them to a predefined configurable email address. This is useful...

Role Delegation

73 people starred this project

This module allows site administrators to grant specific roles the authority to assign selected roles to users, without them needing the...

Backward Compatibility

15 people starred this project

Backward Compatibility allows you to install old Drupal modules in current Drupal.

Template Diff

10 people starred this project

When developing a theme, there is often a need to understand why a theme needed to override the template provided by the base theme.


35 people starred this project

Dynamic Responsive Image (or drimage) is an alternative to the Responsive Image Style module (Drupal core).

Entity Reference Dynamic Display

14 people starred this project

This module provides Dynamic Display formatter for entity reference fields, allowing to select different view modes per

Field Config Cardinality

33 people starred this project

Allows the cardinality of specific config fields to be overridden.

Form mode manager

89 people starred this project



12 people starred this project

Base module features Control user edit form mode per Role

Form Mode Control

50 people starred this project

In Drupal 8, you can create form modes which control how the fields are displayed in the edit form of content such as nodes and

Lock Layout Builder

3 people starred this project

This module provides the locking mechanism to discourage concurrent editing on layout pages(eg: node(1), block_content(35), etc...).

Switch Page Theme

63 people starred this project

Switch Page Theme module allows to use different theme than the site default theme on specific pages.

Section Library

50 people starred this project

Create reusable templates for single or multiple sections!

YMCA Website Services (former Open Y) Community Edition

18 people starred this project


Simple Popup Blocks

48 people starred this project

Turn any blocks, views, forms or anything with CSS selectors into popup.

Decoupled Menus Initiative

30 people starred this project

Initiative proposal can be found here: #3170260.

Smart Date

194 people starred this project

This module attempts to provide a more user-friendly date field, by upgrading the functionality of core in a number of ways:


82 people starred this project

If it can be flow-charted, then it can be automated with Maestro.

Drupal 8 Contrib Porting Tracker

18 people starred this project

A centralized place for tracking the porting status of contributed projects (modules, themes, distributions).

Jsonapi Role Access

9 people starred this project

The Jsonapi Role Access module allows you to manage access of jsonapi resources based on user role.It provide a simple s

Ckeditor Layout Manager

6 people starred this project

Ckeditor Layout Manager module add ckeditor Layout manager plugin, which allow content editor or site builder to add dif


43 people starred this project


Layout Components

78 people starred this project

This module is a extension of "Layout Builder" and provides a complete package of components and new features integrated with that syste site moderators

19 people starred this project

This is a project with issue tracker you can use to, among other things, report user account problems, report spammers, or request a conf infrastructure

21 people starred this project

An issue tracker for everything related to the servers.


68 people starred this project

Tell the system to execute several requests in a single bootstrap. Then return all the things.

Update helper

35 people starred this project

This module offers supporting functionalities to make configuration updates easier.

Layout Builder Styles

91 people starred this project


Entity Reference Tree Widget

43 people starred this project

This module provides an entity relationship hierarchy tree widget for an entity reference field.

Smart Content

90 people starred this project

Smart Content is a toolset to enable real-time, anonymous website personalization on any Drupal 8 website.

Paragraphs frontend ui

52 people starred this project

Paragraphs Frontend UI DEMO

Layout Options

45 people starred this project

This module provides a Layout plugin that allows configuration options to easily be added to layouts using YAML files and LayoutOption pl

Responsive Tables Filter

78 people starred this project


Access unpublished

52 people starred this project


Flexible Table Of Contents

23 people starred this project



197 people starred this project

Bricks — is a new way of building pages on top of Entity Reference, Display Modes, Layout API, tabledrag.js and Flat...

Drupal core

385 people starred this project