Provides a collection of Migrate plugins that are not part of the Migrate core or Migrate Plus process plugins.

Process plugins

  • country_code - Gets the ISO ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code from a country name, with optional locale configuration, requires commerceguys/addressing and commerceguys/intl, used by the Address module.
  • format_phone (see #2889576) - Formats a phone number based on Google's libphonenumber.
  • file_image_to_media - Generates a media entity from an image file and returns the media id.
  • file_document_to_media - Generates a media entity from a document file and returns the media id.
  • validate_email - Validates email address via the core email.validator service, with optional MX / A lookup.
  • validate_link - Checks if a link does not return a 404 header.
  • skip_on_contains - If the source evaluates to a contained string value, skip processing or whole row.
  • skip_on_start_with - If the source evaluates to a starting string value, skip processing or whole row.
  • integer_extract - Extracts the integer from a string (e.g. "1234 City")
  • wrapper_extract - Extracts a value from a wrapper string defined via configuration: [ ], ( ), ...
  • wrapper_remove - Removes a value from a wrapper, and the wrapper itself.

Example use case for wrapper_extract and wrapper_remove: a title that provides the name and acronym ( (DO)) that must be extracted in two fields.

Source plugins

Node alias to redirect - source plugin that can be used to convert D7 Node aliases to redirects.

Roadmap / WIP

  • format_integer (see #2916471) - Formats an integer number by removing thousands separators, prefix and suffix.
  • format_decimal (see #2916472) - Formats a decimal number by removing thousands separators, prefix and suffix.
  • format_name (Formats a name string, like first and last name and provide option for nobiliary particle).
  • sanitize_text (see #2893221) - Facade on various text sanitization methods, like Word special char treatment, XSS filtering, HTML tidy, ...
  • paragraphs (see #2977080) - Imports a single or multiple collection of fields to Paragraphs.
  • synonym (see #2889388) - Merges several values for entity reference.

Example use case for synonym: several values are describing the same reality, and we want to define them as the same taxonomy term, this can be also useful to cover typos.


  • File to Media process plugins are inspired from Think Tandem blog post
  • Node alias to redirect is inspired from @socketwench blog post


Migrate Process Extra must be installed via Composer, in order to get the required libraries.

composer require drupal/migrate_process_extra


composer update drupal/migrate_process_extra --with-dependencies

Project information
