This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Simple_oauth module problem with keys

I have setup the project. The project I got from someone. 
I have a react website and it is connected with headleass drupal. When I try to login the tokens are generated but the website stuck. When I see the logs in the drupal I get these error below.


Drupal Commerce API with Decoupled Drupal

I'm using Drupal commerce + commerce API modules in decoupled Drupal project. When doing the checkout frontend (in Angular) will call some third-party APIs and get some discounts for each order items. I need to update those discount details in Drupal DB.

I tried this with /jsonapi/checkout/{order_uuid} API like below. But this does not update anything in the DB.

Context Aware Block - Custom module

I've created a a custom block module and i want to pass the current node to the block to allow me to show associated content.

I have this annotation at the top of the module:

‘Contains’ operator in Drupal webforms

Hello everyone,

Would be really grateful for some assistance.

I have built a Drupal web form and would like to display specific text fields in the form with prepopulated values so they are predefined for users when completing the form. 

The default values I need to display are dependent on the previous question in the form so I would need some code like - {if field C contains ‘AB’, display ‘123’ or if field C contains CD, display ‘456}

However there doesn’t seem to be an operator option for ‘contains’ in Drupal webforms? 

How to return the relationship values of a field with multiple results on the same line

I have a commerce product, and one of it's fields is "Related products"

Each Product has :

  • An entityID assigned by Drupal (obviously)
  • A title
  • A company assigned unique code (eg.SKU123)

I am building a table to export the products as CSV.

When I display the table, the column "related Products" returns the entity IDs of the related products. I want the SKU.

So, I've made a relationship between the "field_related_products" and the Products.

Get a media entity reference fields value without knowing the field name on node content type

I'm working with a module that provides a media entity type that has a field named 'field_media_video_file' to upload a video file (similar to media video which uses the same field name).

Then for example a node content type where the media field was added as a reference media field "but" the field name on the node is generic like 'field_upload_video' and could be named anything really depending on what the user who initially created the content type names it as the media reference field could be used on any content type. 


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