Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.

Feature Boost

Home page

Feature Boost theme is Mobile-friendly Drupal 9/10 responsive theme.
This theme features a custom Banner, Footercopyright field, Social Menu Icon,
Contact us Information Fields, responsive layout, multiple column layouts and
is highly customizable.

Feature Boost Theme is developed with all latest technologies Drupal 9/10.

Recurring Dates Computed Occurrences

Computed field listing Recurring Date field occurrences. Can be used to add dates to an entity in a search. As a light, single entity, alternative to Date Occur.

Media Ubicast

This module provides a media source for Ubicast ( videos and a field formatter that can be used to embed Ubicast media i

Webform Address Autocomplete

This module enhances the standard Webform Address element with autocomplete functionality.


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