Maintainers are looking for help reviewing issues.


Update: Development has resumed with new co-maintainers! Stay tuned for new releases!

Zentropy is a flexible, highly-optimized and Responsive HTML5 Base Theme which attempts to bring the best of a couple worlds together:

Poll Enhancements

This module enables anonymous users to vote on polls without page cache troubles or IP address restrictions. It is designed to work on top of core Poll module.

Brazilian Payments for Ubercart

Brazilian Payments for Ubercart will integrate the main payments gateways used in brazilian market to Ubercart project. This module will support Drupal 7 and up versions.

Do you want help?

* Write a review for this module on
* Report any bugs, feature requests, etc. in the issue tracker.
* Contact the maintainer with any comments, questions, or a quote for module customisations.
* If you consider this module useful, donations will be welcome.


* Support PagSeguro service
* Support Pagamento Digital service
* Support Boletos Bancários as known as bank slips.
* Support Money Over IP service

Support Us

WordPress XML for Feeds



The WordPress XML for Feeds module exposes WordPress-specific data in WXR files (that's "WordPress eXtended RSS") to the Feeds module. It also includes the WordPress Importer module (a features-package), which imports WXR files using Feeds and the WordPress XML parser.

The purpose of the WordPress XML for Feeds (wp_feeds) and WordPress Importer (wp_feeds_wxr_importer) modules is to offer a comparable feature-set to the WordPress Import (wordpress_import) module (not to be confused with WordPress Importer (wp_feeds_wxr_importer) module), but in a way that is far more flexible, and that integrates with Feeds, CCK, FileField and other popular Drupal APIs so that data can be manipulated to fit arbitrary data models.

See also WordPress Migrate module, which I have not tried out. A comparison would be nice.


Extended search page

Full text content admin search

This module adds full search to the content admin with the possibility to add custom filters on content fields (Status, Node types, etc).
It's based on top of Search API.

Unicornponies Theme


This Bartik sub-theme just adds a bit of... how would you say... *pizzazz* to your Drupal site.

Hat tips to The origin of sparkly rainbow unicorn/pony/unicornpony happiness and my gayness muse.


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