This project is under active development.

Silverpop Tracking

This module integrates Silverpop's Web Tracking API and XML API to allow tracking a user through various flows and levels of engagement.

Form keeper

Form keeper will save the values you have in a form as a URL so that you can share it with others, and save it for a later viewing.

Form Quick Feedback Email

Add email feedback/debug links to critical forms to catch problems.

For any number of reasons users can have trouble using critical forms on your site. Rather than hoping people bother to visit your contact form (which may also have a problem) you should place a simple email link right where the issue may arise. This can be vital to catching problems both major and small. Perhaps your registration button text is inaccurate in one language, maybe a required AJAX field has a javascript conflict you're not testing for, maybe instructions aren't clear within one of your layouts. Recommended especially for your registration and login forms.

This module provides a super easy, pre-filled email link to forms you select. It can include vital user details such as: browser, OS, and URL.


  • Link text, subject, body
  • Forms to include link
  • Debug info included
  • Language/translation ready
  • Email obfuscation *


  1. This module requires the use of the UA Parser javascript library for client-side user data. If/when user emails come back with no debug info, you'll know they don't have JS enabled, which is usually helpful.

Coderwall Block

a simple D8 Block Module experiment for showing coderwall badges.


This is a small helper module, to pass data from a panel page to an embedded webform node via tokens. The module provides a pane type, in which you can define multiple key/value associations.

Commerce coupon date

This module allows limiting coupon validity by date, requires the Date and Features modules.


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