Enhance the editorial interface and improve the processes and workflows around creating, editing or removing content.

DANSE Moderation Notifications

Allows DANSE notifications to be sent to all users of a particular role, or to the content's author when a piece of content is transitioned from one state to another.


Tavily is a service that can figure out context and search results for your search intent on a question or a search word.

User Search Activity Logger

This module provides an entity list which helps editor to check the logs of on admin/people activity of wrt. name of the user as entity name with current data and time

CKEditor5 Dark Mode


This module is a plugin in addition to CKEditor5, simply allowing to set up a Dark Mode button to switch between light theme and dark theme.

Text To Number

The text to number module provide a widget to number fields then it applies text input into that number field and the
validation hook that will run before save.


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