Single Line Field Description for Modules

I, and I'm sure every single user of the website would enormously benefit from a single-line 200 character description of what a contributed module/theme does. I appreciate this would take a lot of effort perhaps, but would make finding modules and identifying what they do much easier.


Learn PHP programming basics

The goal of these videos is to prepare those who are newer to programming with the tools they need to eventually code in Drupal.

Introduction and getting a simple development environment set up

Calendar shows events duplicated

When I create a new content node with a date-time field including Show End Date option in order to show it in the calendar view, the content is for whatever reason duplicated in the calendar. When I for instance switch the format from calendar to table the content is not duplicated! So I figure there must be something wrong with the calendar view. I followed the HowTo on Vimeo ( on configuring Calendar7.x-3.x-dev and can't notice anything wrong in my setup.

Can anyone help me out here?

fetch user's profile data when they log in with their social account

How to fetch user's profile data when they log in with their social account like FB, Twitter, Google, etc? I want to fetch and store them in my Drupal database; and then use them to create profile as well as for marketing/sales decisions.

Automatic Upgrades

Now I know that the Drupal community has a strong attitude against allowing automatic updates as a core feature, but excluding it is a deal breaker for me. I have spent hundreds of hours with drupal with joy until reality kicked in and I realized that it is just not practical for me to use for any site of significant value. It came to a point where the cms would break almost every 15 days, and required at least 6 - 12 hours of extra work to safely transition from the rapidly outdated versions of drupal. In the past I had almost been an evangelist preaching the underestimated value of the drupal cms. If it's true that Drupal is used by millions of people then it's likely that millions of man-hours are being wasted in frustration on this with many thousands of sites going extinct because it is too much work to maintain.

WordPress is a practical solution as it offers automatic updates. Could you imagine what would happen if Microsoft Window's was incapable of having automatic security patch updates and upgrades? Microsoft can do it, WordPress can do it, Drupal 8 and Dupal 9 ought to be able to do it. It's not a matter of it being too difficult, it's just a matter of being stuck in old habits and being unwilling to change.

any recommedation about social share on Drupal module

I want to add social share, email share and print option to my site, any recommedation on Drupal module?


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