Maintainers strive to actively monitor issues and respond in a timely manner.

Bot Jenkins

Integrates the Bot module with Jenkins CI. Tell your bot to initiate builds!

Simple search taxonomy options

This module is a plugin of simplesearch module. It allows to add an additional dropdown list in a simplesearch block which is filled out with terms of a given vocabulary.

A default value could be set depending if the user chose the same term or depending his ip address.


go to "admin/structure/simplesearch-block/blocks" and edit a block.
In the page, simple search toxonomy options added a "SHOWTAXONOMY SETTINGS" fieldset. Inside this fieldset you can define the following:

  • Enable taxonomy plugin for this block: Check it to enable the plugin for the block you are editing,
  • Vocabulary: Select the vocabulary whose terms will fill out the dropdown list,
  • Options title: The dropdown title (optional),
  • URL parameter: The parameter that will be use in the query( &your_parameter=
  • DEFAULT VALUE SETTINGS fieldset: Here is all about how calculate the defaut value for users:

Date range formatter

This modules provides field formatter for date fields. The formatter shows date ranges using the preconfigured format.

SEO Preview

Screenshot: Project SEO Preview

Lets you preview how your title tag, url & meta description will appear in popular search engines.

Single Sign on with PHPBB3

With this module you can logging PHPBB3 automatically board after logging drupal and if the user is not exist in phpbb3 , this will create the user and login with the same user.


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