This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

For best results, use with the entire ELMS Learning Network distribution from github!

ELMS: ICOR stands for Interactive Course Object Repository. It is an organic groups based distribution meant to be used in conjunction with the ELMS Suite of Tools based approach to educational technology implementation.


This functionality is kept separate from ELMS and the MOOC platform, though is being designed to be used in conjunction with it. The reason for keeping these two separate stem from keeping Content and instructional flow separate from interactive activities. For example, The course outline can be changed, upgraded, and modified without negatively impacting the inline self-checks and quiz capabilities provided by this distribution (and visa versa).

Designed to communicate with ELMS: CIS Distribution though it works as a stand-alone distribution as well.
Distribution production automated by Profiler Builder.
This project has been created as part of the ELMS initiative at Pennsylvania State University.

Supporting organizations: 
Developed, Implemented

Project information

  • Created by btopro on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
