Extend the structure of the site by way of content models, data storage, field types, and navigation, so it is more understandable to users.

Node sync

Node sync

This module allows you to have some fields values synced with one single node.
This way you can modify just one node and have all changes into all nodes with the reference to that node.

Options Table

Options Table

Options Table module provides a Draggable Table widget as alternative to the core "Checkboxes / radio buttons" widget provided by options module.

Text to HTML List

The primary goal of this module is to improve site editor experience and ease the process of adding and reordering lists of content.

Google Place Autocomplete

Provides a widget for Drupal text fields with autocomplete suggestions from the Google Places API.

Menu block current language

At the moment, all menu items are displayed regardless of it being translated or not.


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