
82 people starred this project

If it can be flow-charted, then it can be automated with Maestro.

Config Distro

33 people starred this project

Built on the same architecture as Configuration Split, Config Distro provides a framework for managing configuration updates from distrib

Require Login

35 people starred this project

Provides catch-all solution to easily require user authentication on all pages.

Paragraphs table

27 people starred this project

Project Paragraphs table it looks like module

Form Filter Fields

22 people starred this project

If you need a taxonomy field to be filtered based off of another taxonomy field's value, this module is for you.

Gin Moderation Sidebar

6 people starred this project

A simple module that adds CSS to make Moderation Sidebar toolbar tab work well with Gin Admin Theme/Gin Toolbar.

Paragraphs Role Visibility

10 people starred this project


Geocoder AJAX Prepopulate

12 people starred this project

Extension above the Geocoder module, so that the editor can: * give an address in a field (for example an Address field),

Better Entity Reference Table

6 people starred this project

Who's Bert?

Avatar Kit

32 people starred this project

Avatar Kit provides dynamic avatars for Drupal 8 entities.

Social Auth Modal

8 people starred this project

Social Auth Modal allows users to authenticate with social networks without leaving the current page.

Signature pad widget

9 people starred this project

Signature pad an electronic-signing script, this Image Widget allows you to sign with HTML5 canvas based on field image.

Bookable Calendar

41 people starred this project

A very easy to use Bookable Calendar module.


1 people starred this project

Online Scout Manager: Waiting for documentation.

Views AJAX History

58 people starred this project

Enable bookmaking of AJAX views. Supports filters and paging.

Drupal Recruit

2 people starred this project

UPDATE December 2013 Project restarted!

Sports League

11 people starred this project

Sports League module is an out of the box solution to manage sports league functionality in Drupal.

Decoupled User Authentication

26 people starred this project

Description This module aims to provide a simple API for storing information about users

Registered Organisations

2 people starred this project

This module aims to provide a unified interface for looking up information about registered organisations.

Social Auth

75 people starred this project

This project is part of the

Views Summary Tabs

3 people starred this project

This module provides an additional display option for a views summary attachment to display its values as tabs.

Paragraphs Modal Edit

25 people starred this project


Group permissions

13 people starred this project

Group module is a great solution for your community and o

Entity admin handlers

3 people starred this project

The Entity Admin Handlers module provides an out-of-the box admin UI for custom entity types whose configuration means that the admin UI


66 people starred this project

Provides a bridge to use Flysystem as Drupal stream wrappers.

Child Entity

10 people starred this project

This module helps you to create Entities which creating them depends on a parent entity.

Entity Reference (with) Hierarchy

21 people starred this project

Entity reference field that comes with Drupal core allows creating a linear list of entity references.


150 people starred this project

This module provides an implementation of Google Chrome Lab's

Big Pipe Paragraphs

12 people starred this project

Big pipe is new since drupal 8 and introduces a way to load and render blocks which have a high cache invalidation, or are uncacheable, d

Group Member Management

5 people starred this project

This module provides access to allow members of group to edit other memberships based on group roles.

Commerce License Group

3 people starred this project

Provides a LicenseType plugin for Commerce License to let membership of

Views Entity Operation Access

19 people starred this project

Provides a Views access control plugin checking if the user can perform an operation on an entity by adding an appropriate entity parameter...

User Request

1 people starred this project

The main goal of this module is to offer a solution to other modules that need some sort of approval workflow.

Open Badges Issuer

2 people starred this project

A Mozilla Open Badges implementation for Drupal.

Template Entities

13 people starred this project

The Template Entities module provides a template feature to end-users to facilitate quick creation of content.

Forms Steps

72 people starred this project


Entity Events

14 people starred this project

Module which dispatches events for entity create, update, delete.

Group SAML

6 people starred this project

The Group SAML (gsaml) module allows you to manage group permissions based on a selected user attribute.

Entity Legal

25 people starred this project

Important change in the new 4.0.x branch

Inline Entity Form Table View Mode

39 people starred this project

This module defines a view mode to set up the columns of the table for the Inline Entity Form widget.

Group Commerce

18 people starred this project

This module uses the Group module to support B2B purchasing in

Entity Toolbar

25 people starred this project

On large sites you might have more than twenty paragraph types, or even more than twenty node types.

Commerce License Access Control

15 people starred this project

The Commerce License Access Control module uses ACL and

Entity Overlay

15 people starred this project

Displays referenced content entities as an overlay from a label (title of the entity as a link) or a view mode (e.g. teaser).

Replicate Groups

7 people starred this project

Assign replicated entity to the same groups of the current user.

SAML Authentication

40 people starred this project

Allows users to authenticate against a SAML Identity Provider to log in to your Drupal site.

Entity Relationship Diagrams

71 people starred this project


Entity Share

129 people starred this project

Entity Share is a collection of modules allowing you to share content entities like nodes, taxonomy terms, medias etc.