Project Description:

HTMLArea/Xinha has a basic plugin which allows users to upload and find images to include within a new piece of content. The problem with the current plugin is that the user needs to be running Xinha to be able to use this integration.

Currently there is a Drupal module, img_assist which allows users on a non-wysiwyg editor to upload and add images to a current peice of content. This module has a current plugin which allows the users of the tinymce editor to start img_assist and insert images into the current editor pane.


Using wysiwyg editors to edit content into content is very popular, except that most editors do not inter-operate well with Drupal modules such as img_assist and allow users a consistent method of adding images into a Drupal system not matter which type of editor the user is using to enter content into the system.

Success Criteria:

A new plugin will be able to be loaded by Xinha which will add a new icon to the menu. This will also add a link to the context menu and allow user to right click and an image and load img_assist to edit the parameters of an image.

When the button on the toolbar or the menu option on the context menu are selected the img_assist popup window will be displayed. The user can then select a image and this image will be inserted back into the page for further editing.

When the page is submitted or the mode is to the source view, the <img> will be changed to the img_assist filter tags. Also when loading the editor or changing the mode back to wysiwyg mode the img_assist tags will be changed into image tags for the purpose of editing.


  1. Install Drupal, HTMLArea, IMG_assist and get accustom to how Drupal and Xinha works. It may be good to see how tinymce and img_assist work as well.
  2. Get acquainted with the inner working of Xinha and how the plugin system works.
  3. Create a new plugin which will allow the Xinha to pop img_assist into a windows and pass back the parameters to the Xinha editing window.
  4. Build upon the Xinha Event system and when the startup or mode changing to wysiwyg mode change the img_assist fliter tags to HTML, and then on the change of mode to text or submitting the form change the img tags back to img_assist filter tags.