Project Description:

A Views-based calendar module would take a view (provided by views.module) and format its output in the form of a calendar; both a small calendar that could be placed on a block, and a larger calendar that could be put in the main content area and provide more detail.

Project Motivation:

The only thing the archive.module does that views cannot do is to provide a calendar to make it simple to locate posts by date. By creating a module that can overlay a view as a calendar, an exceptional piece of visual functionality would be added to Drupal that would primarily be of interest to blogging sites, but would also likely have other benefits as people find creative ways to use this calendar.

Success Criteria:

The project will be deemed successful if the module can allow a site administrator to configure an arbitrary number of views that exist on his or her site to provide this output.


1. Create a UI capable of selecting and saving a choice of Views by using a select field. Each select field should have the choices "Page", "Block", "Both" and "Neither" to represent unused.

2. Create URLs via hook_menu() and blocks via hook_block appropriately for the given views.

3. Modify the view object in memory to filter the view appropriately for a calendar view.

4. Display the views results as a calendar.

5. Display a list of months, next month/previous month buttons for a view.

6. Consider caching the block form of this output since its contents are unlikely to change that often and as a block, it could be somewhat intensive on the page load.


matthieuscarset’s picture

This is now possible with the Calendar View module here:

matthieuscarset’s picture
