Read to Me

4 people starred this project

Read to Me

Layout Builder Awesome Sections

10 people starred this project

Add some awesome sections which has many useful configuration which let you build site structure with no custom code

Trace Cache Tags

3 people starred this project

Installing this module will result in watchdog notices whenever a cache tag is invalidated on your site (see screenshot).

Entity Reference Media

20 people starred this project

Similar to Entity Reference Module but specially designed for

Comment verify

1 people starred this project

Forces anonymous commenters to verify comments via email before they can be published.

Anonymous Comment Email Verification

1 people starred this project

This will require anonymous comments to have the supplied email address verified before they enter the normal comment workflow.

Comment Verification

1 people starred this project

Verify the anonymous comments with email address.

Page & Block Builder

3 people starred this project

Build the page and block visually Demo:

Drush pre deploy

7 people starred this project

Documentation This project is a drush integration that enables "pre-deploy" hooks.

Node Visibility

4 people starred this project

The Node Visibility is a module that allows to use the Condition Plugins on nodes like we can use them on Blocks or in P

Leaflet Layers

15 people starred this project

Administer your Leaflet layers through the Drupal UI and combine layers from multiple modules into bundles (groups of maps that can be us

Google Maps Services

3 people starred this project

This module integrates Google Maps Services with Drupal.

Split Preview

9 people starred this project

Split Preview:

Label Link Attributes

1 people starred this project

Allows site builders to set HTML attributes on the linked labels for entity reference fields.


8 people starred this project

The module defines the AmplitudeJS (

Taxonomy Parents Index

6 people starred this project

When building a view for listing content that contain a specific Taxonomy Term or the Term's children terms, the core provides a special

Drupal Upgrade/Migration Audit

6 people starred this project

This module provides a Drupal audit report to help website owners and developers understand the details of your website's setup in order


9 people starred this project

Enhancements to the node preview functionality in Drupal 9/10.

Save Entities

7 people starred this project


Entity Clone Entity Browser Block

1 people starred this project

This module addes entity clone support in Layout builder for the blocks created by

Entity Browser Block

27 people starred this project

This module provides a Block Plugin for every Entity Browser o

Block warmer

3 people starred this project

This module adds a new option to Warmer that allows warming the render

Media Library Form API Element

52 people starred this project

This module provides a Form API element to select a Media entity from the Media Library.

Entity Dependency Visualizer

8 people starred this project

Displays a graphical visualization of the dependencies of an entity.

Layout Builder iFrame Modal

26 people starred this project

Render Layout Builder edit forms in an iframe, using the admin theme.

Migrate Source HTML

7 people starred this project

Migrate remote HTML pages into Drupal entities.

Only author can reply

2 people starred this project

The module was created for

Layout Builder Usage Reports

13 people starred this project


Migrate Process Negate

3 people starred this project

This is a simple migrate process plugin whose only purpose is to negate whatever value is sent over to it.

Page Not Found Passthrough (Redirect on 404)

3 people starred this project

This module allows you to specify domains that should be attempted as a fallback to find content when a "404 page not found" error is enc

Layout Builder Expose default layout

6 people starred this project

Layout Builder patch to expose the layout as JSON by default only shares the layout if the given node is overriding said layout.

Places near by

7 people starred this project

Places near by module provides a block containing paginated places along with map which renders the marker used to locate places.

views external data base

4 people starred this project

This module for Drupal 9 allows you to connect external mysql database tables and create views, easily.

Alias Manager

3 people starred this project

Module description This module adds a extra tab on your content entity edit form, where you can manage your aliases.

Content Synchronization

150 people starred this project

We’ve always had a challenge synchronizing content across Drupal environments.

Log Cache Tags

5 people starred this project

Logging cache tags is helpful when you are troubleshooting problems with invalidations, origin hits, or just general cache tag insights.

Next Previous Post Block (Node or Page Pagination)

21 people starred this project

I have developed a Drupal 8-9-10 module and named it "Next Previous Post Block (Node or Page Pagination)" The Drupal plu

Quick Node Block

9 people starred this project


Entity Tracking API

11 people starred this project

This module provides an API to track entities.

Entity Screenshot

1 people starred this project

The goal of the Entity Screenshot module is to provide a Drupal-native interface for keeping an accurate visual record of the latest vers

Entity Reference Finder

2 people starred this project

This module makes it easy to find the places where the entity type are used like entity reference.

Build Hooks

56 people starred this project



78 people starred this project

Superfish integrates jQuery Superfish plugin with your Drupal menus. Overview: Unobtrusive JavaScript. Multi-column sub-menus. (Megamenus...

Simplify Menu

47 people starred this project

The simplify_menu module uses a TwigExtension to gain access to Drupal's main menu's (or any other menu for that matter), render array so

Field Union Construction Kit

26 people starred this project

This is a work in progress attempt to use a config-entity to define field-types that union together existing field types.

Composite Reference

28 people starred this project

The Composite Reference module allows users to mark entity reference fields as composite.

Comment Admin Notify

7 people starred this project

Comment Admin Notify is a lightweight tool to send notification e-mails to admin when user create comment.

Simple Comment Notify

14 people starred this project

Simple Comment eMail Notification

6 people starred this project

Sends a simple notification eMail to the site administrator, if an new comment has been created on the website.

Extra Field Suite

22 people starred this project

