Layout Builder +

47 people starred this project

Layout Bu

Lazy Views

22 people starred this project

A very simple module to load views either by click of a button/anchor or on page load.

Views Combine

32 people starred this project

Allows creating unions between views to combine the output into one view.

Type Tray

52 people starred this project

This module helps sites with a large number of content types to improve the usability of the Content -> Add page.

Page Templates

30 people starred this project

This module allows sites to easily convert any node into a "Template", and then use that to make it easier to create content from a pre-d

File (Field) Paths

87 people starred this project

The File (Field) Paths module extends the default functionality of Drupal's core File module, Image module and many other File upload...

Notification Message

30 people starred this project

The Notification Message module allows for broadcasting notification messages throughout the site.

Simple Like Button

13 people starred this project

A very simple like button Install module Place block Done!

Layout Section Classes

31 people starred this project


Single File Components

74 people starred this project

The Single File Components module allows developers to provide frontend components in a single file.

Site Settings and Labels

106 people starred this project

Site Settings and Labels

Automatic IP ban (Autoban)

58 people starred this project

🇺🇦 This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.

OtherView Filter

30 people starred this project



150 people starred this project

This module provides an implementation of Google Chrome Lab's

Environment Indicator

96 people starred this project

This module will help you to keep sane while working on your different environments by adding a configurable color bar to each one of your...


123 people starred this project

A clean, accessible and powerful Drupal administration theme built as part of the

Material Admin

71 people starred this project

Drupal 8 admin theme based on Google Material Design Language and utilizing the CSS framework


71 people starred this project

Views Exposed Filters Summary

15 people starred this project

This module displays the values of exposed filters a user selected for the view.

Focal Point

165 people starred this project


Form Mode Routing

12 people starred this project

This module provides a way to give form modes a route and access check.


47 people starred this project

Pagerer is a module providing a collection of pager styles to enhance Drupal and Views standard pagers.

CKEditor Widgets

15 people starred this project

Improve the content authoring experience by using CKEditor's new widget interface.


16 people starred this project

A CKeditor plugin that allows editors to add a block of text to the content.


4 people starred this project

DownloadFile is a module to direct download files or images. Features

Private files download permission

38 people starred this project

Version 7.x-1.x provided "two useful features which Drupal itself is missing: a simple permission to allow downloading o


6 people starred this project

Starlight is a ready to use theme. It has a flexible design built with community websites in mind. Vision includes:

Simple Mega Menu

26 people starred this project

Simple Mega Menu module provide a easy way to build mega menu.