
13 people starred this project

NOTE: The 8.x version of the theme works as a base theme and is minimally maintained, only blockers and security issues if any.


32 people starred this project

Basic boasts a clean HTML5 structure with extensible CSS classes for unlimited theming possibilities as well as a top-down load order for

Apache Solr Autocomplete

6 people starred this project

Add-on module to Apache Solr Search Integration that adds simple autocomplete fun

SAML SP 2.0 Single Sign On (SSO) - SAML Service Provider

19 people starred this project

SAML 2.0 SP Single Sign On (SSO) - Service Provider allows users residing at a SAML 2.0 compliant Identity Provider to


36 people starred this project

NOTICE: You are viewing the legacy version of Emulsify

Token Embed Views

8 people starred this project

This module create a token type called 'views'. This token can be used to embed your views into your content.

Insert View

35 people starred this project

Insert View is a filter that allows users to embed content lists generated by the Views module into node bodies and blocks using relatively...

Omega Materialize

1 people starred this project

Materialize based on Omega 4 theme.


19 people starred this project

Omega Five for Drupal 8 - (8.x-5.0-alpha7)

Panels Pane Report

4 people starred this project

Panels Pane Report helps create visibility into the content on your website or application by letting you know where specific nodes, cont

Semantic Views

35 people starred this project

This Views plugin makes unformatted styles, field row styles and other output more readily configurable without needing to override...