site organization

I want to organize my site by topic with pages for each topic displaying forum, blog, event, story, weblink that have to do with that topic.

Need to add virtual styler to my fashion site

Hi there,

Anyone have reference like virtual dressing room? I'm working on a fashion web shop and the client wants to enhance user functionality.

Any help will be appreciated.. :)


One Million Drupal Sites

It’s official! According to the project usage stats, Drupal has more than a million sites (1,005,489 as of February 15) live and in production on the web.

This number under-reports reality, because the project usage stats don’t count *all* Drupal sites on the web. For more information on how project usage stats are counted, visit the usage statistics page.

Blog on Drupal. Is it Good or Bad?

Hi All,

I want to setup a new blog on Drupal is that a Good idea to start a Blog on Google or I am going to make a mistake.

Please suggest

as I am having my blog now on wordpress for

New on Drupal

I am new on Drupal and I am looking for some source/website to learn Drupal thoroughly. Kindly guide me in this regard.
Kind Regards
Kashif Tanweer

Apache Solr module - are the schema.xml files required?

Hi there - am pretty new to Drupal and trying to use the Apache Solr module to connect to a University's solr instance (which houses a digital repository). I added the module and ran the "test connection" ... it worked! Green light and it got the index. (I also can query the solr index using the web browser or curl successfully).


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