User initiates adding "another"field set in webform

Hi All

Firstly thank you for all those contributors who've painstakingly provided comprehensive assistance over the years ive been using Drupal. I must say that most issues I have in theming Drupal usually finds a solution right here.

I've been using D8 for the past 6 months and have a question regarding webforms. I'm uncertain of the correct term for the function which is perhaps why I can't find a solution.

Re-use a view filtered on a taxonomy term multiple times

Say I have a content type with a Taxonomy Reference field.  I can create a view that collects all the node of the content type and using a filter limit that to only nodes with a specific value.  I would like to re-use this view a number of times on a page as separate blocks.  One block for each possible taxonomy term.  Is it possible to link a block to this view and pass the taxonomy term to filter on as a variable or parameter?

How do I transfer from local development to live server?

Hi all,

The way I used to move updates to a production site in Drupal 7 was using a combination of the features module and transfering files.

Is this the only way to do this in Drupal8 or is there a better way?

Thanks in advance,


Converting/Upgrading a Drupal 8 module to 9 (not using Drush)

Hey there, 

I did a quick search and couldn't find much about upgrading/updating modules to Drupal 9. I'm sorry if I missed it, please just point me to right direction. 

Long time Drupal user (5.x was my first experiment with Drupal and I've been on Drupal since the early days of 6 - not using Drush - yet ).

I need some guidance about Drupal 8.x modules/themes upgrading to Drupal 9.

I'm ready to move on to Drupal 9 (currently 8.9) but my theme and slider are not compatible (or at least, have not been updated for 9). Suggestions?

How to create and manage menus and children for different pages/nodes?


I am developing a website with pretty wide structure. By content definition there will be different menu items for different pages.

For example (standard content type Article), an Article1 will have its own children Article items, Article2 will have its own, etc. Article1 children should not be displayed visiting Article2 and any of its children, etc.

How to print user's username ?


i'm working on my first drupal 8 project and i'm looking for a way to print the current user's username

When doing tests, i find it convenient to have the username printed somewhere in the page (usually the header or footer region.

In D7 i could do that by enabling PHP filter and using something like this within a block :

<?php global $user;
if(user_is_logged_in()){ print $user->name . " - " . $user->uid; }
else { print "Hello"; }

in D8 it seems there is no php filter anymore.


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