Maintainers strive to actively monitor issues and respond in a timely manner.

Identity Hash

Component module (for use by other modules).

Useful for any other module that creates output outside of the Drupal website and need to include links back to the site which contain the identity of a site member. For example, it could be used in an email, personalised PDF, SMS, RSS feed, or voice message to identify the user it's for.

GO — A Drupal module for quick web agency projects


1. Autoloader — @see go_autoload()

- To disable this feature, in settings.php, define GO_DISABLE_AUTOLOAD constant.
- Run faster with APC extension enabled.

2. go_cache()

Without go_cache()

  function your_data_provider($reset = FALSE) {
    $cache_id = '…';
    $bin = 'bin';
    $expire = strtotime('+ 15 minutes');

    if (!$reset && $cache = cache_get($cache_id, $bin)) {
      return $cache->data;

    $data = your_logic();

    cache_set($data, $cache_id, $bin, $expire);

    return $data;

With go_cache(), your logic becomes cleaner:

  function your_data_provider() {
    return your_logic();

  $data = go_cache(array('cache_id' => '…'), 'your_data_provider');

3. Useful drush commands:

  # Download libraries
  drush godl ckeditor
  drush godl jquery.cycle
  drush godl jquery.cycle.2
  drush godl colorbox
  drush godl
  drush godl ipv6
  drush godl
  drush godl ipv6

  drush godev
    Shortcut for quick dev enviroments.

  drush golive --cache=1 --js=1 --update=1

    This is wrapper command for useful auto configuration for live site:
      - Enable page/block caching
      - Enable js/css aggregation

Taxonomy Defaults

Taxonomy Defaults allows you to assign default terms from any vocabulary to any node-type. The default terms will be pre-selected on the /node/add form, but can be edited.

If a vocabulary is marked as "Hidden" for a particular content type, then that vocabulary will not be shown on the /node/add form and the default terms will be assigned automatically and cannot be edited.


This module provides your website with currency conversion, currency information & metadata, and amount/price display functionality.

Ukrainian Translation

This project is obsolete.
It was used to manage Ukrainian Translation previously.

You can connect to Ukrainian translation team at:

Here is a project to track Drupal Ukraine Community Activities:


Invitations are important to create network effects and exponential growth of a community of interest. This module provides an Invite a friend feature to allow your users to send and track invitations to join your site.


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