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Drupal Utah is a responsive XHTML theme starterkit for the Omega base theme.

This is a polished version of theme that was created during the Responsive Themeing session at DrupalCamp Utah 2012.

The primary differences between this starterkit and the Omega XHTML starterkit are:

Real World Interface

A generic module to interface Drupal with the real world through UART and other computer interface.

Initially only working with the UART interface

Saba Payamak SMS Gateway


Saba Payamak SMS Gateway enables the smsframework to use Saba Payamak service as a gateway.


This module is in an early development stage, It is not intended to be used in production.


A valid line number, username and password provided by Saba Payamak.


SOAP Client


  1. Install & enable SOAP Client.
    • Go to admin/settings/soapclient.
    • Under "Active SOAP Library" check the "nuSOAP" option.
    • Leave other options as default.
  2. Install and enable Saba Payamak SMS gateway.
    • Go to admin/smsframework/gateways/sabapayamak.
    • Fill the required fields by the credentials provided by Saba Payamak.
    • Leave other fields as their defaults and save the configuration.
  3. If you wish to also be able to receive SMS messages:
    • Go to admin/smsframework/gateways/sabapayamak.
    • Copy the URL under the Incoming SMS Settings section labeled Traffic Relay Gateway.

Commerce Popular Products

Commerce Popular Products settings screen

Commerce Popular Projects looks through your Drupal Commerce orders and figures out the most popular products for a given timeframe.

Autocomplete FAPI element

Provides an autocomplete FAPI element, basically an enhanced version of a textfield with autocomplete, with the benefit of hiding away the real record ID. It allows the user to search and select an appropriate record as normal but uses a hidden field to store the selected record ID.

IP Subscription

IP Subscription

Grant anonymous and authenticated users access to content, based on the users IP address.

Version 2 includes Google Analytics integration which requires:

Google Analytics
Google Analytics Reports

NOTE: these modules have their own dependencies. Also the latest stable releases may be quite old, in which case the -dev release is recommended.

Configuring Google Analytics

Custom variables

Slot: 1
Name: ip_sub
Value: [ip_subscription_uid]
Scope: Session

Also file extensions to track may need to be extended.

Anonymous user roles

The key to granting user roles to anonymous users is the permissions cache - this is a cache mapping user ids to permissions. The issue is that we need multiple anonymous users to have individual permissions. So we need to prevent these from being cached.

This can be achieved by modifying the appropriate call to user_access().

--- return user_access($string, $account);
+++ return user_access($string, $account, true);

The 'true' argument resets the cache.


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