Change the HTML behavior for webform submitted values in email

I'm hopeful I can get some direction in how I could go about modifying the HTML that is generated for webform submissions that are sent using HTML email. Currently, the HTML emails are sending the key:value pair for each form element with a bold element title and an html break (<BR>) and then the element value. I know I can customize this a bit in the module but given the number for forms and elements in use, we are using the [webform_submission:values] tag to just dump them all out in the email.

Arsenal FC: transforming fan engagement is Arsenal’s number-one channel for engaging fans around the globe. The website not only provides a source of club information and news; it also directs fans to its various online retail stores and helps Arsenal to engage and acquire new partners.

But and its sister sites were developed without mobile users in mind and, with a dated system in place for sharing new content, Arsenal was missing opportunities to improve fan engagement and drive revenue.


Still work in progress but I've been working on my portfolio site in D8

Still not happy with it, I really want to work on getting the bounce rate and the average session time down so want to really make something that makes people stick around for a few seconds :)

D8 - CKeditor does not appear for roles other than admin

I'm using Drupal8.
I created the "operator" role.
In /admin/config/content/formats/manage/full_html I have also assigned "full HTML" to this role.

In admin/config/content/formats/manage/full_html i've activate Administrator and Operator permission

see image

When a user with an operator role edit a content, the CKeditor buttons do not appear (see image below)

Drupal as multisite environment for approx 30% common content. Separate Database for every site or single DB for all sites ?

Hello Team,

We are building an application having 20 % to 30 %  common content for all domains with multi-site environment.

Right now we are using single DB for all sites, but time to time site will be more bigger in terms of data and static content in future.

Also we will use Deploy Module (  for  Content Staging.

[Drupal 8] Convert a custom entity into a commerce product?

In Drupal 7, we have an option to convert a content type to a commerce product by easily checking a checkbox in the content type setting page. After that commerce will treat the content as a product in store and do the shopping till checkout.

Could please help as to do the same in Drupal 8 ?

We have set of custom entities in our application and some of them we need to convert it to commerce product. And then perform the checkout workflow.


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