Multiple Front Pages.

Please excuse me if my query has already been asked n number of times -- I am a beginner and enjoying learning Drupal.

1. I have created a new content type: Gallery Formatter, created a few image galleries and a block (ImageGalleryBlock) that contains list of image galleries.

2. Similarly, I have created a block that displays list of Articles I have posted.

3. I display both these blocks in the sidebar and am able to display the corresponding content on clicking a link in the blocks.

Drupal Best Practices for "custom package"

Hi all,

At this moment I'm busy within my Graduation project on Drupal (7) which started in the beginning of February. Within my project I want to develop a 'package' (probably a module with submodules) which implements best practices that should save a lot of time.

The first part is tackling problems within my company (dpdk) so our workflow gets a boost! Problems I will most probably implement are:

  • Configuration (different keys, db settings & API's for different domains should be history)
  • Services (Social Media interface for using the same functions all over again; something like Gigya but more standalone)
  • Basic Functionalities (Validation functions and -every time returning- functions like Mobile Detection or a Bitly Creator)
  • jQuery/Javascript (Use more power of Drupal_add_js and AJAX instead of custom code outside of Drupal)

I would like to hear about best practices that you use and are interesting to look at in combination with the given subjects above. Also, if you have some ideas of current packages/modules/libraries that could be helpful I would love to hear so. Keep in mind my focus is mostly on developers to make our lives easier.

In the end I want to distribute the package to the community so everyone can use it. For now I will use this topic to update and keep in touch with whoever is interested!

inline Images show as [img] image link [img] instead of images

Hi All,

Been trying to configure TinyMCE to upload images under Drupal 7. Permissions are set as far as I can see. Editor and upload appear to be working correctly.

My images show in edit mode but not within the page or preview. Instead they show as a link like so
[img]http://vhi-dev.tld/sites/default/files/pictures/small_Water%20lilies.jpg... [img]http://vhi-dev.tld/sites/default/files/pictures/medium_Winter.jpg[/img]
These end up being clickable links to the images...

D7 how to print a field in a node template

Seems not to be as in D6.
Where to find documentation?

drupal7 hide menu item for anonymous users

I'm using Drupal7 and i need to hide a primary menu link for anonymous users. I did this in drupal6 but i can't remember how.

It's a primary menu link with goes to a support page i've made using views. How do i hide the link in the primary menu for anonymous users? I only want people who have got an account to be able to see the link.


Asking for advice for themes and modules

I have been hired to set up a web site for a show company (dancers, disco, etc) and Im planning to use Drupal of course, the new 7.x branch if possible. My weak point is the design, so I would like to hear some suggestions about some visually stunning theme and what colors would fit better for such site topic. Also, I would like to add some sort of slide show in the front page (like the one in, what module can I use for that?


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