
A module which might save a lot of work (see the example scenarios below) if you have content in two or more languages.

Latest news 24-Aug-2015

  • D7 update released with a couple of new features - 7.x-2.11.


  • Designed for multi-language sites. Especially relevant for sites where not all content is available in all languages, or may be made available (translated) at a later time.
  • Allows you to easily create in-content links to other nodes, and those links automatically update to point to a suitable translated version of referenced nodes, when available.
  • Can automatically redirect users to a suitable translation of a page, based on the user's language preferences.
  • Avoids the need to manually edit content which links to other content when new translations of the referenced content are added.
  • Generates links pointing to content in user's preferred language, even though the current page may be in a different language.
  • Integrates with various other modules.

Example scenario #1

You have content in French, and want to include in it a link to node/100. However, node/100 is currently not available in French, only English. Using MultiLink, you can easily enter a link to node/100 in your French content. Later, when node/100 gets translated to French at node/150, the link automatically updates to point to node/150 - you don't need to go back and edit the French content that linked to node/100, let alone remember where it was!

Example scenario #2

A translator has to translate a node from English to German. The content includes many links to other (English) nodes. The translator does not know the node numbers or aliases of the German versions of those linked nodes, and perhaps they have not yet been translated anyway. So she/he has to look for each one and enter its node number/alias if available. If those linked nodes have not yet been translated, the translator would perhaps have to suspend the original task, go and translate the linked nodes (hopefully they won't contain any more links!) make a note of the resulting node numbers and then go back to finish the original task. Alternatively, the translator can simply use MultiLink, referencing the English versions of linked nodes, knowing that all links will automatically be updated to point to the correct German versions if and when available.

Included modules

  • MultiLink Filter (input filter)
  • MultiLink Redirect (redirector)

For links generated by the MultiLink filter, link titles (the text displayed when you hover the mouse over a link) will show the node title of the translated version. If no suitable translation is available, the title is prefixed with the language name so that users can see that the link will go to a page which is not in their preferred language.


The included MultiLink Redirect module can redirect users to a suitable version of the requested page, based on their language preference (from browser or account settings.) It also redirects from node/123 style paths to the path alias if defined.

Support for other input filters

MultiLink supports integration with other modules and methods of linking and including nodes in content. In effect it adds further "multi-language" functionality to:

See documentation for further details.

Related modules

Active Translation and Select Translation tackle related issues and take a different approach. Global Redirect provides generic redirection for SEO purposes.

Commercial support and customization

Commercial services are available from the original developer at netgenius.co.uk.

Supporting organizations: 
Architecture, development.

Project information
