With Drupal 4.4.0 around the corner, it is time to share what each of us are up to. If you plan to work on something in particular, or to contribute to Drupal in one way or another, please share your personal battle plan in the comments. Please refrain from posting wishlists: this time around we are merely interested in what you actually plan to contribute in the next few months. So, what can we expect from you?


killes@www.drop.org’s picture

will hopefully be in 4.5, also the changes to queue.module (if you don't put them into 4.4., that is).

Dries’s picture

Here is my personal battle plan:

  • Usability improvements. I'm determined to further improve Drupal's usability. Despite the fact this has been a continual process and that we made steady progress, we are not quite there yet. Common tasks such as setting up a vocabulary should become a lot more intuitive.
  • Profile module improvements. I already rewrote the profile module in the new development branch and will continue to work on it.
  • Forum module improvements. I already committed some first forum module improvements to the development branch but will be adding more.
  • Aggregator module improvements: make (composite) feed pages pageable and add a setting to define how many news items should be kept in the database before older items are pruned.
  • Configurable menus.

The list is not complete and is subject to change but I think it pretty much summarizes the key points on my personal agenda for the coming months. Of course, everyone is invited to help. In addition, I'd also like to help with:

  • Adding basic document management, and image handling in particular, to core. I want to add images to my posts and possibly even PDF documents.
  • Adding a node-level permission system (ACLs) to core.
  • Rewriting the search module and rethinking the search API.
  • Improving Drupal's localization.

(Note: I might add more points later.)

davidm’s picture

I posted about some search and taxonomy changes I'd like to see in a couple of other somewhat inobvious places. I have mostly implemented a module that might be considered an enhanced search. You can see what it looks like at http://dev.zooid.org/irsearch (click on Advanced Search). The main areas of ?improvement? are the ability to search specific fields, as well as a dhtml collapsed taxonomy search.

(Please ignore the data on the side, it under revision. And yes, the checkbox layout has to be reconsidered and it does need +- indicators).

In an ad hoc way it displays and searches based on aggregated <module>_irsearch_fields() and taxonomy terms. Support for core fields could be based on node fields, but ideally some extra types (like events) would have specialized fields.

This prototype uses DHTML for the taxonomy select (it also works fine in text-only/non js browsers).

I would also like to see an interface like this implemented for taxonomy input. My nodes support multiple taxonomies, and the input screen is very long and unattractive, and using <select multiple> is almost certain to lead to data loss.

Another option people ask for is displaying the taxonomy heading in node output, also with consideration for the taxonomy hierarchy (Recipes > Dessert > Cake; ...).

I have seen a number of interesting taxonomy enhancements come and go, it would be nice to see these aspects improved in the core.

Thanks for any comments, I'd be pleased to contribute my work with some guidance.

anarcat’s picture

I have been thinking about playing with a module to configure the top navigation menu (if there's still such a thing) in order to be able to order the _link() hooks.

I am therefore curious about how you are planning to work on configurable menus.. :)

anarcat’s picture

I have made a small review in the 4.4rc forum, but I feel the fixes might rather go in 4.5, so here we go:

usability notes & review

gatezone’s picture

The ideas and energy expressed around 4.5 planning is quite inspiring. I knew there was a reason I stuck it out through the first four weeks...;-).

matteo’s picture

I would like to contribute to enchance taxonomy.
I wrote and extended taxonomy module I would like to share with you.
Major things are:
- Vocabulary and term I18n (terms and vocabularies are translated in locale)
- Node type filtering (more than one node type can be specified as a filter)
I upgraded taxonomy_html to 4.4 and would like to maintain that module.

I'm also currently writing a module based on taxonomy_html that can help you filter on multiple terms.

I'm also working on a problem like this.
I have nodes categorized on several vocabularies (geography, genre, organization_type)
I would like to be able to filter with such filter:

select all nodes where
geography is one of these (x,y,z)
genre is one of these (a,b,c)
organization_tpye is one of these (d,e,f)

Actually, taxonomy 'or' does not work this way.
Is a feature like mine under evaluation on 4.4 or should I think to a way to do it with a specific module ??
My idea would be to filter with 'or' on geography and collect an array of nids, then do the same with genre

and organization_type. By interescting the three arrays I should get the final results.

I would like to share this work with someone else.


Jeremy’s picture

I'd really like to see locking go into core for Drupal 4.5.

As the average Drupal site grows, we're going to run into more cases of two people editing a node at the same time -- one person's changes being unintentionally lost. (As has happened on Drupal.org, and will in all likelihood start happening more as the community grows)

The include file lock.inc will also solve for race conditions, an annoying and persistent issue that numerous Drupal developers face.

I've submitted fully functional patches to solve for this. I'd love to either see it go into core, or hear what's wrong with the implementation so it can be fixed.

Once merged, then I intend to implement file-based locking within the provided lockapi, using the fileapi.

adrian’s picture

I have been especially busy during the last development period, and after the 4.4.0 release, I have quite a bit of code that i need/want to get into core over the next few months.

  • Make drupal more fault tolerant, for example allowing it to start up completely without needing a database connection.
  • Wizard system , for creating multi page submissions .. to be primarily used in the ..
  • Install System. Which will hopefully be used to install the base system, contrib modules and possibly even themes by the next version
  • Multisite configuration patch .. atleast pushing for it to be made through, as this opens up a lot of interesting possibilities for the install system
  • Theme system improvements. apart from my phptemplate based theme for 4.4.0 , i want to enable drupal to use generic templating engines (ex: smarty, xtemplate, php templates and phptal) without any problem, as well as syndication of themes/templates using the install subsystem.
  • several other contrib modules i have in the pipeline

This is the working list , but there are some other interesting ideas like a bittorrent tracker, and some css things.

  Sanity is a sandbox in the playground of my mind.
     I'm going to go play on the swings now.
adrian’s picture

I would like to somehow make the new profile module adapt to user->user relationships , and integrate my buddylist module , and the 4.2 era foaf.module (which should still work fine) into this, to enable drupal to possibly work in a distributed social network manner (notice my cunning use of buzzwords)

ideally this information would be used in a manner similiar to livejournals 'friend only posts' , with the future access mechanisms.. but this isn't my prime concern

  Sanity is a sandbox in the playground of my mind.
     I'm going to go play on the swings now.
javanaut’s picture

Hi Adrian,

Have you made any progress with the social network features?

I am interested in expanding the social network mechanism into the node-based permission system at some point. I may have a large upcoming project that warrants many friendster-like social network features, including using n-degree relationships in various permission layers. In my recent research, I've found that there are a wealth of experts more than willing to give away their research findings. Though their validity varies, it is an interesting topic, nonetheless.

Any excuse to actually use some of the higher maths learned in college is all it takes to motivate me sometimes ;)

javanaut’s picture

I came across an interesting tool that links LiveJournal users together. It implements a typical two-sided shortest path algorithm to show the social network connection paths between two users.



Bèr Kessels’s picture

I am planning to:

  • Help on improving translate_node.module
  • help on merging or splitting or whatever is apprpriate of locales and i18n
  • Try to push them into the core.:)
  • ... All this to improve possibilites for internationalisation
  • Try getting a unified navigation method into drupal.
  • I will try to do this based on Jeremys navigation.module
  • Try to get some other navigation methods deprecated by this one


Mediarevolution.org :: het platform voor online muziek

spam related: bots may mail me here

Jose Reyero’s picture

I've been looking at translate_node module, liked it, and currently I'm merging it into i18n module.
I want to extend it to have any table translated, not only the node table, so I think it's a good approach to translate also the taxonomy tables. Anyway, it will be configurable which tables to translate...

JonBob’s picture

There are a few Drupal projects on my plate right now.

1) The Doxygen documentation is coming along nicely, but much more work is needed. In particular, I plan to provide a modern replacement for the howto.module and place it in contrib/docs/examples/ for Doxygen to index. This will be a set of small toy modules that each instruct how to perform a particular task, such as defining a node type. The modules should be in the public domain, so developers can build on them freely regardless of their personal licensing preferences.

2) The menu system needs to be more all-encompassing, needs to be able to be presented in different ways by the theme, and should be configurable by the administrator. I plan on working on this. This is related to, but not necessarily the same as, a general content navigation scheme.

3) Drupal really needs a permissions system that can restrict access to specific pieces of content. I don't feel too qualified to lead the charge here, but I look forward to testing proposed ACL systems to ensure that they meet requirements.

4) Now that the "multiple node types per module" patch is in core, I plan on extending and promoting flexinode.module. I believe that with a little work, this could be an indispensable tool for administrators who do not know PHP.

Chris Johnson’s picture

These are my plans. How much progress I will make will depend on how much time I have available to work on these projects.

  • Usability improvements:
    • Change all browser-visiable references to "node" to something that might make sense to someone who is not a computer geek.
    • Create a node zero feature. This would allow admins to create a custom node to be displayed to someone who visits and has no other access at all. It might work with Adrian's proposed database-less operation if node zero were stored in a text file, but I'm not sure on that part. Initial plan is to just have it be a normal database node. I've done some work on this already, but getting around the menu limitations is tough.
    • Make it possible to rename things like nodes and blogs without incurring the high overhead that locale.module incurs to do so. Most non-computer sophisticates are not going to understand the terms "node" and "blog" and thus, admin selectable terms like "article" and "journal" might be desirable.
  • A contributed CSS-only, ultra lightweight theme. This is mostly complete.
  • I want to come up with some features/code that will make version compatibiility issues easier to deal with. Most files have a CVS $Id$ tag in them now. All of them which do not, need to have it added. Even nicer would be to have that value available via a PHP query or get function of some sort. This could work with the proposed module testing functionality proposed by others. Ideally, we could capture the CVS Tag for a release somehow and make that available. Unfortunately, this is one of CVS's biggest flaws -- there is no keyword like $Tag$ that is expanded with the current tag. Getting this value into the files would require some coding and procedureal changes on the part of the folks who Tag CVS and package up releases. The goal would be to tell admins when they've attempted to plug in a module that is not compatible with the core they have, etc. and to allow someone to query the current level of their Drupal install for debugging purposes, or just to know what it is, because they want to go browse Drupal.org for compatible contributed modules or themes, for example.
  • A node-level access control list feature. I've got some firm ideas as to what it should look like, and a rough idea what the database fields would look like. Haven't written any code yet, though.
  • Someday, but probably not for 4.5, a geographic location module contribution. I've started on this, but the code is 4.3 and there's a lot of work to do yet.
adrian’s picture

Create a node zero feature. This would allow admins to create a custom node to be displayed to someone who visits and has no other access at all. It might work with Adrian's proposed database-less operation if node zero were stored in a text file, but I'm not sure on that part. Initial plan is to just have it be a normal database node. I've done some work on this already, but getting around the menu limitations is tough.

My method of doing this has been through the help subsystem, and a special error path.

so in system_help() you would have a 'error/database/noconnect' , which would be returned for the error message. (i also added a theme_error_page() which was called instead of theme_page(),if a 'fatal' error were triggered. and would call the right page depending on the error set (as in error/http/404, etc). With something like this , you would probably have a error/access/node path , which would call a variable_get('node_access_error', t("this is the default error message if you can't find it.").

this would work for most fatal errors, the trick is just making sure we generate the right errors at the right time. Also .. the new translation system with .po files means we should be able to set up errors in the right languages.

  Sanity is a sandbox in the playground of my mind.
     I'm going to go play on the swings now.
Brian@brianpuccio.net’s picture

I was wondering if you woulnd't mind sharing this. I've been working with Pushbutton on the side making an alternate CSS only version of it as well.

TheLibrarian’s picture

I would like to spearhead the new permissions system effort, if the people who want it will allow me. I also plan to finish up my bibliography.module and make drastic changes to importpage.module. Also in the works are further modifications to htmltidy.module (more configuration options and finer-grain controls) and to pdfview.module (more of the same).

luigi-1’s picture

I very much applaud finishing your bibliography module. Keep me informed, for i'm interested...

libah’s picture

I am also very interested in your bibliography module. This is something I could put to use right away.

lapurd’s picture

Some ways involve helping all future drupal financially.

bertboerland’s picture

I would like to contribute to facilitating drupal developers financially. This can be by raising a drupal website with the ecommerce module to let people bid for new functionality. For example, you want to have a new theme, the pdfviewer ported to 4.5 or some new functionality? start a pre-project with the task to raise enough money for someone to start a project.

I know about the disadvantages of getting money involved in OSS project (cathedral in the bazaar) but I do think the advantages combined with the timing and the maturity of drupal outweigh these disadvantages.

And when needed I am willing to put my money where my mouth is... :-)

So how about it, starting a cathbaz.drupal.org?




bert boerland

judah’s picture

bertboerland wrote,
So how about it, starting a cathbaz.drupal.org?

Do it. Someone do it. I don't even know what that is but there needs to be a way to contribute financially to get features we need and help out the authors. I'm not that skilled with php so my way to contribute is pay the people doing it. Also there should be a way to help support drupal.org.

I don't know much of what other cathbaz type of thing is but even if we made a wanted list and a dollar amount on the feature there would be more reason for someone who is able to get it done. Maybe have a Most Wanted forum.

For example,

File Upload Module
1. upload single files
2. upload size restriction option
3. upload role options
$100 cash
Dead or Alive

The requirements for the forum would be:
Drupal.org takes no responsibility for posts and business in these forums. Professional standards are,
• Payment on completion of job.
• No less than 3 non critical (show stopper type) bugs.
• Nothing else is expected of the author after requirements are met
• Jobs finished within 2 weeks of agreed upon time or the agreement is anulled.

If there isn't anything else maybe someone can create this forum now and post it as a news item and let people add their thoughts to it.

And I'm with you bertboerland, when needed I am willing to put my money where my mouth is.

Brian@brianpuccio.net’s picture

I would also be willing to help fund both Drupal development as well as additional modules. I'm not a programmer, though I do know web design, and I am willing to help out where I can.

Dries’s picture

I feel like organizing a theme competition shortly. We have yet to work out the details so maybe you could help organize such a contest -- or even take a lead in this. Also, we don't have prices yet so you could donate a price if you feel like making a financial contribution.

Being a theme designer you could also help with updating themes in the contributions repository, updating documentation, maintaining drupal.org, improving accessibility (now you have helped tackle XHTML compliance), and so on.

Brian@brianpuccio.net’s picture

A competition sounds like a good idea. I wouldn't mind tossing in a bit for a prize.

I just picked up odds and ends, I'm not a Drual designer or developer. I don't even know PHP. I know just enough to tinker. I spoke with MegaGrunt, I plan to help with documentation with him.

Accessibility is another story. I've been browsing my site on my cellphone recently, that still needs some work. I haven't started using a screen reader yet. I think once I start using a screen reader, I might jump into fieldsets.

Boris Mann’s picture

There is OpenSourceXperts, which is a system that is already set up to do exactly what you propose.

In essence, users, businesses, whomever, can band together to create a "fund feature". Somebody takes the lead in specifying the requirements, other people decide whether or not to donate, then any interested Drupal developers can bid to get the project.

This way anyway with the requisite skill and experience to bid on the project. If we promote this method, it will also provide a central place where *businesses* (and perhaps designers and others with less programming skill) can go and pay money to have their issues solved.

bertboerland’s picture

I liked it, and file a task for drupal.org

I would like to know who is taking care of this secrion (tasks etc for drupal.org) and if that person would either fix this task or close it?



bert boerland

Stefan Nagtegaal’s picture

What I would like to have is:

This would be a great addition when combined with the conf_url_rewrite() inside conf.php.

irwin’s picture

I was on my way to adding multiple roles per user when my disk failed and I lost most of my work on that. D'oh! I'm going to try to recover that work in mid-April after my projects are finished.

Next release requirements:

- Adrian's installation wizard

- Multiple roles per user
- User-defined custom groups
- Simple per-node privacy control

I think these will be able to expand to include taxonomy permissions and more advanced permissions control.

-- Irwin

Robert Castelo’s picture

Once Pushbutton is bug free, and xTemplate documentation is done...

Extend xTemplate to make it possible to customised sections of a site through multiple CSS style-sheets.

For instance, a template can create a default look, and the Forum and Blog pages could each have a variation of that look. This could also be linked to taxonomy, so each term/vocabulary/book could have it's own look, making it possible to customise the look of each section of a Drupal site.

-- Pushbutton Test Experience -->>

Drupal Specialists: Consulting, Development & Training

Robert Castelo, CTO
Code Positive
London, United Kingdom

moshe weitzman’s picture

this old theme allows for different styles depending on the url (form, blog, etc.)

kika’s picture

- help re-architecting Drupal.org site (track the project "Drupal.org maintenance")
- improving core themes and adding additional CSS files for Chameleon theme
- improve visual presentation, usability and accessibility on everything Drupal
- start to post Drupal-promoting posts on my blog, to promote it on Estonian scene

eap1935’s picture

I've got a filestore module about half finished that I've been working on for organizing some time lapse movies I want to post on my personal site. I'm not a big fan of the current filestore module. Last time I used it, all files were stored in the actual database, which I figured was a really really bad idea. I also couldn't get it to work right after a few hours of tinkering, so I figured I'd work on my own version.

Anyways, the one I'm working on is organized like a blog. Each file has its own entry in a user's personal filestore. The site admin can limit file size, number of files in users' filestores, and number of downloads per file per time period.

I've also developed a thumb module similar to node image, but it doesn't use javascript, and doesn't deal with images in any other way. All it does is allow a user to attach a thumbnail image to any node. (It's got the same downsides as the node image module - node.module has to be patched to allow file uploads for any node type, and some code has to be inserted into themes to actually grab the thumb and display it.)

Anyways, the thumb module is tied in to the filestore module such that you can associate thumbnail images with MIME types, and the filestore module has a filter (with the usual syntax) that allows the files to be included in other nodes (like a blog entry) and appear as a clickable thumbnail images. The images associated with the MIME types are fully configurable by the site admin, but I've got a set of default images for the standard MIME types that look OK.

I'm wondering if my filestore and thumb modules are worth contributing or whether people are happy with the existing versions. If I get any positive feedback, I'll contribute the thumb module and work on the filestore for 4.5.

Oh, I've also got a photo journal module that I've been using for my personal site. I just took the blog module from 4.4 RC and hacked the hell out of it. So in other words, it's just a straight photo journal, just like a blog. No galleries, no bulk upload or any of that image.module stuff. It uses the thumb module mentioned above. Wondering if this is worth contributing too. I refuse to install IIS on my PC, so I doubt it works on Windows.

While I was building the thumb and photo journal modules (I was sick for a couple of weeks and couldn't do anything else, so...), I worked out a design for an album module that would use the thumb and photo modules, but I don't really have a need to organize my photos into albums, so that's on the far, far back burner.

killes@www.drop.org’s picture

That version uses file storage.

eap1935’s picture

Can't find it in downloads or project pages.

killes@www.drop.org’s picture

Get a cvs checkout from contrib cvs.

javanaut’s picture

Well, there are several things that I've been working on, but here are a few that I plan to contribute:

  1. A meta-theme (I call it "Dtheme") that can display a different "skin" to various parts of the site. This can be configured using taxonomies, user preferences, URL regexp's or hard coded for specific sections. Each "skin" is a single properly structured PHP file with proprietary section tags (html comment tags). This way, HTML developers can develop skins in their HTML development environment of choice. Current unfinished documentation is at my malnourished website.
  2. Get the mailhandler module to handle attachments in a more elegant way. Perhaps there should be a MIME-type/file extention/node type mapping or registry somewhere that says what to do with content. I know Mailhandler could use this, but I'm sure content generated by other sources would find this useful as well. Along with the mapping there would have to be a hook that takes uid, content-type, filename, title and/or other arbitrary data and forms it into a well structured node. This would, for example, let the admin choose which module to use for handling images.
  3. Have user_access() take an additional optional parameter of which uid to compare against the given access type. Generally, allow one user (cron, for example) to post on behalf of another user.
  4. I have an object-relational mapper (yet another db abstraction layer) that is in use on a client site at this time. It was targeted at 4.3.0, but modifications to my Drupal implementation and Drupal itself since then have rendered much of it dysfunctional for regular users. Performance was suspect the last time this module was mentioned, so I intend to benchmark this module's performance and publish it along with an updated version for 4.5.0. I foresee this module's existence to be a battle in and of itself. Perhaps I should include a cost-benefit analysis so that no illusions are harbored up front. A non-current, somewhat older version can be found here. The current version is on a site that's way too modded to be useful to you.
  5. I'll be submitting patches for feature requests/bugs as I see fit (greedy programming).

Though much of this is in progress, I hope to get it all done before 4.6 starts :P

killes@www.drop.org’s picture

Could you explain in layman's terms what this is about?

javanaut’s picture

Just to preface this, many people have strong opinions about the need for object relational mapping systems. Opinions aside, here's a description:

This module maps PHP objects to database tables using an XML configuration file. Each field can be configured as whatever data type your database supports (mostly). You would specify a table, PHP class and all of the individual fields contained therein. The persistence (database storage) of the objects is handled by this module. You call a method to create/load/find/update/delete an object to/from the database. You specify table name, field name, object type, form handling type (textarea, select list, etc.). This XML file serves as the primary location where data/object changes would be made. If you add a column to a table, you would add a line to the XML file and that new element would appear on all node/edit forms and node/view events for tha object. There are even permissions and links specified in this XML file. I haven't actually touched this project in a few months, so my facts may be fuzzy.

My personal reason for preferring a method such as this has to do with several of my clients. They can be nasty about last minute drastic changes to data types, additional fields, sizing, etc. It just so happened that the project I developed this module on went smoothly and there were no major last minute changes. Also, the amount of code is greatly reduced. Many default behaviors have been implemented and most node-oriented module hooks are 1 to 5 lines long.

I believe this tool will be much more powerful on PHP 5 where objects are treated properly and not copied all over the place. We'll see.

nedjo’s picture

I'd like to contribute to getting image handling and display into the core for 4.5, a priority mentioned by others. To that end, I've created a forum post for discussion and planning:


Junyor’s picture

Items I plan on doing in my copious free time:

  • Make importing from other blog software easier by...
    • Finishing Movable Type import script
    • Possibly creating a Blogger import script
    • Cleaning up comment validation and saving in comment.module
  • Help with documentation updates
tfiske’s picture

I would love to utilize drupal internally at my company and have user accounts already be created in LDAP. So users wouldn't need to create an account, they could login using their existing unix username and password, it would query LDAP (iPlanet) to authenticate them, rather than the local database.

moshe weitzman’s picture

see webserver_auth.module along with mod_ldap or IIS authentication or whatever your web server needs.

mred’s picture

So how do we go about getting webserver_auth into the core? I've been using it in my company for many months now to authenticate against Active Directory 2000. It's ready.

Jose Reyero’s picture

As Drupal is getting bigger and specially when you are using a lot of modules I am concerned about overall performance. I think too much iddle code is included every time a page is generated.

The bootstrap system, which takes care of the init hook, is a big step ahead, and I think is the way to go for the rest of the modules' hooks.

We need a hook system, that stores and manages all the hooks in the database and takes care of which files to include.
The hooks should be linked with a specific file, better than with a module, thus allowing big modules to be split in several files.

Also, some kind of 'install/uninstall/enable/disable' hook should be created allowing modules to take care of hook registration and maybe some more istallation tasks. Notice that a module needs to register the hooks itself because specific hooks can be implemented in a separate file, other than main .module file.

Dries’s picture

Please refrain from posting wishlist items: see the instructions included in the post.

Laird Popkin’s picture

I'd like to see the syndication capabilities modularized and improved. Specifically:
- The built-in RSS syndication (import) works pretty well, but it doesn't create nodes for received articles.
- The add-on RSS syndication (import) supports Drupal workflow, but I haven't been able to get it to accept any RSS feeds. Perhaps all RSS feeds are technically invalid (pretty likely, actually), but it needs to be made more tolerant. I'd love to see the "import article = node" workflow added to the built in import, or the add-on import updated to work with 4.4/4.5 and made more tolerant of real-world RSS.
- I'd like to implement another syndication protocol (ICE2, see http://www.icestandard.org) since it has many advantages over RSS, such as push delivery, incremental updates, delivery confirmation, support for rich media, etc. It would be great if the import module had a pluggable syndication protocol so that I could implement ICE2 witout having to reinvent the syndication infrastructure or make a modified copy of that import module (i.e. a hack).

Jhef.Vicedo’s picture

My RSS Feeds work just fine if the URL Im getting the feeds from is just on the network. But if I use URLs outside or on the internet, an error pops out. Its says "10060 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond".

I am behind a firewall, does this play a role?


jhefmv [at] gmail [dot] com
Work smarter, not harder!

Laird Popkin’s picture

It would make it a bit easier to install Drupal modules if the database modifidcations were implemented by the modules, rather than by the user executing commands directly into MySQL (etc.). What would be ideal would be that the module would have a web interface that would ask for database permissions to make the changes (since it couldn't do so using the database access drupal normally has), and then execute the SQL to do its job. For an example, look at PPHLogger, a wonderful web usage tracking tool, that manages its own installation and configuration via a web interface, and is thus much easier to implement on a remote server where the user may not have command line access, or know how to use PHPMyAdmin, etc.

If one Drupal module implemented this as a model, I'm sure that others could pick the idea up quickly...

adrian’s picture

is being developed for precisely this purpose ...

except it is implemented in a very drupal way for as much versatility and power as the rest of the system

  Sanity is a sandbox in the playground of my mind.
     I'm going to go play on the swings now.
Dries’s picture

Please refrain from posting wishlist items: see the instructions included in the post.

dikini’s picture

After reading a lot of the posts concerning the drupal permissions et.al. and being in need of a more sophisticated one, I decided to have a go at reworking the current drupal permission system. At the moment I have a (dirty) authorisation API, which allows to plug in your own authorisation/acl module. The approach tries to be minimally intrusive, yet provide for different permission schemes to coexist. Something similar to the Drupal authentication system for permissions.

Ok, that's too much talk. I will try and post the module and, maybe an example taxonomy based authorisation module within the next couple of days.

spreading confusion for the sake of humanity :)

Jon Garfunkel@civilities.net’s picture

Here's the customizations I've done on Civilities for the "civ" customizations intended for civic dialogue. I plan to make the modules a bit cleaner so that they can be distributed.

  • ViewPoints - This is my proposed solution to simplify comment moderation/ratings and transform it from something onerous to something fun. I defined a set of rhetorical "ViewPoint" icons which a poster can use along with, or instead, of comments. Makes for handy ad-hoc consensus building as well.
  • Flat-Threading - I thought I'd try to go beyond the flat vs. threaded conundrum once and for all, and combine the best of both. This also uses Dynamic HTML & javascript (no document yet).
  • Story Types -Very simple concept: I overloaded the node.type column with a diverse selection of types along the lines of magazine departments. When you view the main page, it resembles the table of contents in a magazine.


vittorio’s picture

I think that one of the most important thing Drupal needs is an ACL a la PostNuke, i.e. based (drupal speaking) on user+node+action.

I want to contribute on this strategic feature as I really need it on a project of mine that I'm working on, but I'd really prefer it to be an official develop of Drupal and not a patch that I need to apply several time.

To minimize the impact on the other modules I think it should act "transparently" and fall down on the current user+action scheme.

I'll wait for a response from who's in command... :)

herbie-1’s picture

Well, what I would like to see in a new release 4.5 is this:

  • Better image handling. At the moment I'm using the image module, which for me seems to be the best around here, I know, there is also a patch for the Htmlarea to use it, but it's not working for me as I would like it. For example, the image handling in Serendipity looks nice for me. Something like that would be fine.
  • A "printer friendly version" button on all nodes.
  • An "email to a friend" button on all nodes
  • A newsaggregator, which is not so picky about RSS-Feeds as it is at the moment.
  • More configuration options about the RSS-feeds of a side.
  • Trackbacks integrated to a node, not as comment, but in a separate field "Trackbacks" or something like that.
  • A little bit more elaborate Atom-feed.
  • This nifty images other software uses e.g. when creating a new account (you know, there is an image of a number, you must type it in to prove that you are a human being) would be nice, too, to get rid of bots.
  • Filtering options in the statistics and log module, not only "Order by date" and so on.

Well, that's all folks.

Zyme-1’s picture

Edit: A way to delete your comments maybe... heh

herbie-1’s picture

I've got another suggestion:

it would be nice, to log the FQDN of hosts in the statistics module instead of the IP number. Of course, this option should be able to be turned off in the module.