I want to build a website for an entertainment company that does photography and a few other things. I have been searching for a free theme to build with but there are not much Drupal photography free themes available.

I am looking for a theme with beautiful styling that will present images aesthetically.

Please any suggestions on any available themes I can use. I will also appreciate low-cost premium themes as the project is low cost belonging to a startup photographer.


Việt Vape’s picture

I think you should buy it, don't use free theme. It's so bad

chike’s picture

any ideas for a stylish light-weight premium theme?

Sam Moore’s picture

I like Adaptive Themes' various offerings (I use Adaptive Theme core or Bootstrap for my own theming work).
AT is highly responsive, with a lot of control given to the site admin (so you do a little less code-writing and a little more config).
The developer, Jeff Burnz, is massively knowledgeable about Drupal theming, so you're not just getting a warmed-over Wordpress theme.

I've also been interested in Glazed lately - they have a free version, I think:
Glazed is a full-on Drupal distribution, but it looks like you can get the theme by itself. It's built on Bootstrap. so I imagine you can take advantage of the whole Bootstrap widget world if you like.

VM’s picture

I highly suggest utilizing a responsive base theme in contrib and building your own subtheme.

createdbycocoon’s picture

Hi chike,

We have a few great photography Drupal themes available. You can check them out here: http://createdbycocoon.com/drupal-themes/category/photography

KEEN is one of our favorites: http://createdbycocoon.com/drupal-themes/keen - I think this one will do the job by the sound of your specifications; it's very lightweight and pretty too.