@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
8.x / 8.0-alpha2-dev 23-Aug-2013 Image effects converted to plugins
8.x 22-Aug-2013 PathBasedGeneratorInterface replaced and generateFromRoute() method added to core UrlGenerator, with shortcut Drupal::url()
8.x 22-Aug-2013 The public files directory is no longer configurable in the UI
8.x 21-Aug-2013 #autocomplete_path is replaced by #autocomplete_route_name and #autocomplete_route_parameters for autocomplete fields
8.x 21-Aug-2013 field_get_default_value() is replaced by FieldDefinitionInterface::getDefaultValue
8.x / 8.x-3.x-dev 21-Aug-2013 Rename Views methods to core standards
8.x 20-Aug-2013 Extending the default entity query backend
8.x 19-Aug-2013 Entity classes have moved from Drupal\$provider\Plugin\Core\Entity to Drupal\$provider\Entity
8.x 19-Aug-2013 drupal_render() distinguishes between return values of "FALSE" and an empty string from _theme()
8.x 18-Aug-2013 drupal_get_private_key() and drupal_get_token()/drupal_valid_token() got replaced by 'private_key' and 'csrf_token' service
8.x 17-Aug-2013 drupal_set_title() and drupal_get_title() were removed
8.x 16-Aug-2013 Entity Controllers can get dependencies injected via a createInstance method
8.x / 8.0-alpha2-dev 16-Aug-2013 TypedDataInterface::getType() removed in favor of interfaces and more specific methods
8.x 15-Aug-2013 #theme_wrappers are now able to have a unique set of variables per wrapper hook
8.x 14-Aug-2013 config() is deprecated and should be replaced by \Drupal::config()
8.x 14-Aug-2013 REST resources can define supported authentication providers
8.x 13-Aug-2013 Field types are now plugins
8.x 12-Aug-2013 Bootstrap hooks no longer exist
8.x / 8.0-alpha2-dev 10-Aug-2013 Guzzle updated from version 3.1 to 3.7
8.x 10-Aug-2013 theme_link() has been removed
8.x 08-Aug-2013 Field prefix in Field UI is configurable
8.x 08-Aug-2013 ControllerBase class available for routing controllers to minimize boilerplate code
8.x 07-Aug-2013 aggregator_feed_items_load() replaced with Aggregator storage controller methods
8.x 07-Aug-2013 View results use a classed object
8.x 02-Aug-2013 Entity view pages provided by the entity view controller
8.x 01-Aug-2013 field_get_items() is replaced by the Entity Translation API
8.x 31-Jul-2013 hook_field_CRUD_field() and hook_field_CRUD_field_instance() hooks are replaced by hook_entity_CRUD().
8.x 30-Jul-2013 Backbone.js and Underscore.js are bundled into Drupal 8
8.x 27-Jul-2013 RenderWrapper class added to postpone rendering of variables until printed in the template
8.x / 8.0 25-Jul-2013 Flexible image style system
8.x 24-Jul-2013 user_access() replaced with a method on the user/accountInterface
8.x 22-Jul-2013 File formatters need to manually check the 'display' property of each item
8.x 22-Jul-2013 file_download() got replaced by the download method on the FileDownloadController
8.x 21-Jul-2013 Added support for the Twig {% trans %} tag extension
8.x 20-Jul-2013 Drupal URL generation is now done using routing system's UrlGenerator instead of url()
8.x 18-Jul-2013 Local tasks are provided by plugins implementing LocalTaskInterface instead of type MENU_LOCAL_TASK in hook_menu()
8.x 12-Jul-2013 node_access_acquire_grants() removed and replaced with two methods
8.x 12-Jul-2013 An actual Entity Translation API is now available
8.x 10-Jul-2013 The template process layer has been removed
8.x 06-Jul-2013 #type 'markup' removed
8.x / 8.0 04-Jul-2013 API and UI changes for language negotiation settings.
8.x 04-Jul-2013 Pluggable CSS & JS preprocessing (aggregation/minification)
8.x 04-Jul-2013 DefaultPluginManager class added to simplify plugin managers
8.x 03-Jul-2013 Core's default RDF mappings changed to use terms from Schema.org
8.x 01-Jul-2013 global $user deprecated in favor of current_user service
8.x 01-Jul-2013 *-rtl.css files are eliminated in Drupal 8. Use [dir="rtl"] in stylesheets to target right-to-left language styling instead
8.x / 8.0-ALPHA3 01-Jul-2013 Loading non-existent entity returns NULL
8.x / 8.0-ALPHA3 01-Jul-2013 Single and multiple load methods for entities
8.x 01-Jul-2013 Modular authentication system
8.x 30-Jun-2013 Color module no longer requires themes to call _color_html_alter and _color_page_alter


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